this went on for about 6 months until i was questioned by my school about all the scars and  bruises i had on my legs. i wanted to protect my dad so i said i did them by myself. i ended up having to go to the hospital for treatment on my wounds and got referred to a psych ward,

"oh wow , im sorry you had to experience that" he says he empathetically
"its fine , its in the past but it did cause me to have social anxiety, it wasn't formally diagnosed but i didn't like to associate with people and i am very wary of peoples judgement" i say


ever since my siblings and my mother died, i have always been afraid to meet new people in the fear that they might leave me like they did. 

ever since that night, i have had the realisation that people are just on this earth to die so there is no point in getting attached to a person or to love them bc they will leave you all alone. i always fear meeting new people and i fear what they think so i mostly stay to myself so their judgement wont affect me.

my dad always said what he thought and me and my looks would always be a point of discussion and within those conversations my face my height my weight etc would be brought up and the things that he said were very hurtful.

my dad also spread ideals in my head about this world, he always said that this world is full of bad people who do not want you to prosper and these ideals stuck i guess. i always think that people are out to get me and all good things are just disguised bad things. he really messed me up mentally.

"mhm, so what do you think all these events lead to and how did it affect you in the long-term" the therapist asked

"i think that it might've led to ptsd" i reply


like obviously everything i have been through would take a toll on me but i think its deeper than that.

i would have random flashbacks to that night. i would randomly have dreams were i see that my whole family is with me and we are all happy but then they all drive off and leave me all alone.

my mood would randomly change just thinking about them and my heart would just hurt when anyone in a tv show or online would mention their siblings or mum.

"these are all common signs of ptsd , ms wright" my therapist says

i divert my eyes to my laps and start to fiddle with my fingers

"okay so it says that your prescription is only anti-depressants and you have to take them twice a day with a four hour period in between" the therapist explains

"thank you very much mr?" i say
"mr davis" he says
"but you can call me malik if you would prefer" he adds

"okay bye mr davis ill see you at my next session"
i leave the room feeling happy about the session. i feel much better getting that off my chest.
i take a picture of the centre and post it on my instagram story

i take a picture of the centre and post it on my instagram story

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as i leave the centre i feel my phone vibrate.

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man that fucked up my mood , bro must be mad  who does he think he is to 👏🏾👍🏾❤️ me like i didn't do all this for him to just say nothing but👍🏾👏🏾❤️. silly guy man

end of chapterrrrrrthoughttss?the therapy centre?ay'lanis past?kejah?anything u wanna see?imma start being regular w my updating but please interact w the chapter if i feel like noone is enjoying the story it will demotivate me yk

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end of chapterrrrrr
the therapy centre?
ay'lanis past?
anything u wanna see?
imma start being regular w my updating but please interact w the chapter if i feel like noone is enjoying the story it will demotivate me yk.
thanks guys i love you all💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

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