Chapter 1: Mean

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Toy Bonnie's P.o.v

Why is he so cute? Oh my god, every girl wants him. And me? Of course I want him! But, he just never notices me in that way. Sure, I'm his friend but no where near the next level. Plus, Toy Chica loves him too. She's so perfect and I'm not. She has a perfect body and I don't. I just wish I had atleast a chance with Toy Freddy, just a chance....

As the last human left, the trio sighed with relief and Toy Freddy turned his head to face me and Toy Chica. "Great work girls! I'm just gonna check if everything in the restraunt is ok." Red informed us. I nodded as Toy Chica smiled as if she was trying to get his attention. "Ok Reddy. Whatever you say~" she flirted. I coughed with disgust. Red laughed at my reaction as T-Chi scold at me. Red waved as he walked off which made me blush.
T-Chi noticed.
"Whoa, Whoa Whoa. You have a crush on MY Reddy?" she asked with a smirk. I gulped as I scurried backwards. She walked up to me then put a face right next to mine. She looked angry, which means she was going to hurt me. "Lemme tell you now bunny boy, Red is MINE. Hear me?!" she hissed into my ear. I nodded violently then she took a step back. I was about to walk away but she punched me in the face which made me break into tears. I fell to the ground in pain.
She mocked and laughed at me.
"Disgusting waste of my time." she growled under her breath as she kicked me hard. I cried my eyes out until I couldn't anymore. I had dents all over my exoskeleton. I sighed then accepted it, I was nothing more than a bunny that looked like a boy according to Princess Jerkiness.

She walked off to her room as I lay on the stage in pain. I hacked up some oil and prayed for mercy. I fell flat on the ground hoping that help would come soon and I knew it would because I heard foot steps that didn't sound like Toy Chica's....
((Author's Note: Hey! New story... o3o
Toy Freddy: Red
Toy Bonnie: Bon Bon
Toy Chica: T-Chi

Yes, Toy Chica is the mean girl in this story and Toy Bonnie is the innocent girl. Toy Bonnie is a girl and I know normally, Bon Bon is a boy but not in this story. Thanks for reading!))

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