Different Sunday. Same Crush.

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Bose's POV:
I fall on my bed exhausted from a long day of fighting crime. "Man those criminal kicks to the stomach felt extra tough today." I head to my bathroom to take a shower and wash off all the crime fighting I did today. After my shower, I go downstairs to eat dinner and to no-one's surprise my parents were nowhere in sight. I go to the fridge to find a note from my mom saying,
" Hey Bosey, me and your stepdad went on vacation we'll be back....eventually. Love you, -Mom. P.S. I left a card on the counter so you can buy food and stuff. Also invite some friends over to keep you company."
Left Alone. Again. I sigh as it's not my first time being left back so I wasn't sad or anything just lonely. So I decided to call the one person that cheers me up just by thinking of her. Mika Macklin. She has been my best friend since we met at Planes-a-Plenty a couple years ago. She is beautiful, smart, cheerful, and an overall great person....did I mention that I have a huge crush on Mika. Well I do and I don't think she could ever know because she said herself that "superheroes can never fall in love.." and I don't want our amazing friendship to fall apart because of my stupid feelings. So I put those thoughts away and dialed her number.
"Hey Bose!"
"Hey Mika, you busy?"
"No I was just about to call you actually, since dog bachelor comes on in a hour!"
"Oh great!, you want to sleepover at my place? My parents are on vacation for a while and told me to invite people over!"
"Sure, I'll be there in 30 minutes, ok?"
"Ok, See you then!"
I hang up the phone and get ready for a amazing night with a amazing girl.

Mika's POV
I'm so excited!!! Im having a sleepover over with the cutest, funniest, and sweetest boy in the world a.k.a my best friend a.k.a the boy I have the largest crush on!! I've liked Bose every since we met in Planes-a-Plenty a couple years ago. He was obviously super cute and handsome but then I got to know him and he's the nicest and most caring person I know. But I can't ever tell him I like him since I'm so scared he doesn't feel the same way and our whole friendship will be ruined, fighting crime and going to school together will horrible and awkward too. But with feelings aside I ask my mom if I can sleep over at Bose's house and then just go to school with him tomorrow and she said "that's fine". So I pack my bag and my mom drops me off at Bose's super fancy house. I knocked on the door and as expected Bose answered the door looking super cute as always.
"Hey Honey."
"Hey Mika, come inside."
I came inside, took off my shoes and put my stuff down on the couch. I sat next to my stuff and Bose sits next to me.
"I'm happy you made it."
"Me too."
"I'm going to make some popcorn and then we can watch dog bachelor."
I watch as he walks away, then once he makes it to the kitchen I pick up the remote and get the show ready. Once I got the show prepared I put a blanket over me for us to share, and then he comes back popcorn in hand. He hands me the bowl, sits next to me, covers himself with the shared blanket, puts his arm around me, and then I lean my head on his shoulder while starting the show. This night could not get any better.....right?

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