Reaching her room, she immediately closed the door and windows and made sure she was alone in her room. Using her time-arc magic, she made the broken shards of the sword come together and fixed it, making it almost seem brand new.

'Are you my new master? I am the child beneath the riverbanks, ______ _________. I may be difficult to handle, but my abilities are good. Let's work together from now on.'

"You can talk? I heard that when people treasure certain objects. The objects would gain a soul. It seems that it's the same for you. Let's get along from now on, I promise to stay with you forever. My beloved sword, ______ _________" Yomi said as she laid down on her bed, hugging the sword close to her. Last thing she saw when she fell asleep was the sword slightly glowing red.

Timeskip to 4 and a half years later

Itachi became a chunnin over a year ad a half, making great progress along the way

It was Sasuke's entrance ceremony to the academy the next day, and Sasuke was very excited, it would've been Yomi's aswell if she hadn't decided to quit the academy

Currently, Sasuke was out training with Itachi,

Later that afternoon,

Itachi came back home with Sasuke on his shoulder, he sat Sasuke down on the floor and took out the medical kit and started bandaging him up.

Yomi came out of her hiding place behind the wall and began to help him,

"What happened to Sasuke?"

"Training gone wrong..."

"Oh.. Be more careful next time Sasuke-chan.."

Suddenly Fugaku appeared around the corner

"You're late, what took you so long?" he said, walking to his office and the 3 of children following him

Reaching the office the 4 of them took a seat,

"For tomorrow's mission, I've decided to come along" ignoring the surprised looks he got from all 3 of his children he continues

"If this mission is successful, you're enlistment to the Anbu will be official, do you understand" Fugaku finished with a threatening statement and flashed his sharingan

"Don't worry too much about it too much, however,"

"Erm.. Otou-san for tomorrow's.." Sasuke mumbled but was cut off

"Our mission tomorrow will become a very important event for our clan"

"I guess I'll drop tomorrow's mission"


"Tomorrow is Sasuke's graduation ceremony, the entrance ceremony usually requires one's relative to come along.. You've received the notice too father"

"I understand.. I'll go to the academy tomorrow"

'Nii-sama is a really great person...' Yomi thought smiling as their father dismissed them from the room

The next day,

The third hokage stood up proud, looking at the brand new faces present in the academy

"Everyone congratulations on entering, from this day forth, please work hard to follow the shinobi way "

In the midst of the huge crowd, Sasuke spotted his father, frowning, as usual, while the other adults had proud faces on for their children

Names were called here and there and Sasuke received his class number and he got to know his class teacher, who was apparently Itachi's previous teacher aswell,

"Well... I still remember the day when Itachi entered, as expected of siblings"

"Thanks for taking care of the brothers"

"No, no, its nothing.. there hasn't been such a genius, such a quality student at the academy ever since... there wasn't need for my care.. "

"Isn't that flattery a bit too much?"

"No, no, you should expect this from them shouldn't you"

"Become a fine shinobi like your brother " Fugaku said, ignoring Sasuke's crestfallen look

"Okay.... "

Few days later,

Sasuke came home, tired as usual, as after he comes home from the academy, he goes to the training ground to train for a bit, as he was passing by his father's office, he over-heard their conversation,

"As expected from my child, entering the ANBU squad, I knew I could trust you with my heart, as for you, Yomi, you are progressing as great as Itachi as, or even better, as expected of you "

Hearing that, Sasuke's mood sunk, his own little sister had what he had always wanted-their father's praise- without making any effort,

And ever since that day, Sasuke had been coming home covered with plenty of bruises and scratches,

Sasuke came back home one day, looking very happy and clutching his report card tightly in his hand, he ran to his father's office and kept his cool while his father looked at his report card,

".... keep this up and become a great shinobi like your brother "

Sasuke's happy expression was replaced by a sad frown after his father left the room, those words were clearly not the ones he wanted to hear from his father

Middle of the night,

Sasuke woke up with a jolt from the shout of his father, while Yomi was already awake and heading down the hallways to see what the commotion is about,


Yomi decided not to get involved, seeing how angry their father is, so she went back to bed, Sasuke stayed behind to eavesdrop, which earned him a scolding from both his parents.

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