Chapter 2

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Later that evening, when Jesse was putting away his shirt, Rob's business card slipped from the front pocket onto the floor. Rob Jetten - head of Jonge Democraten. A professional font. gold foiling on a royal blue background. Confident. Maybe arrogant. And there was his number. He had liked the guy. But he had not been flirting. He just thought they would make fine friends, that was all. Really, he could not have been flirting. He still wasn't sure if he swung that way. Girls were pretty, some guys might be too... maybe that made him bisexual.  But in all honesty, there was too much course work due next week to have a sexuality crisis now. Especially about an arrogant guy, he barely knew.
Okay, yeah. Obviously this Rob guy was objectively hot. Not that Jesse cared about that, actually. He just wanted this guy as a friend. Having a new friend would be fun. But would calling him so soon give the wrong impression? Kayla's comment was playing back in his head.
Deep in thought Jesse sat on his bed spinning the business card back and forth in his fingers.

When his roommate Hannes came back from the shared kitchen, burrito in hand, Jesse quickly stashed the card underneath his pillow. In actuality, that had made it significantly more obvious he had been toying around with it, of course, so Hannes pointed the burrito at him in an accusatory manner and demanded to be filled in on the situation.
Hannes stayed quiet for a bit after Jesse was done explaining. "Hey, I didn't know you were gay.", remarked Hannes. Jesse felt the need to correct him: "I am not." Not even a lie, not his fault the truth was more complicated. Hannes seemed not to let himself be defeated that fast: "But-" "I am not.", Jesse repeated quickly to avoid further questioning. A tactic he had not been taught in debate club, but still an effective one. So Hannes raised his hands defensively: "Okay. You know it would be fine if you were. But you are not. Guess I got it wrong..." He paused, chuckled, took a bite of his burrito then added: "I just thought... Never mind." Knowing full well that would make Jesse curious he was not surprised by Jesse's next question. "You just thought what?", he insisted. Hannes grinned cheekily. Between two bites of burrito he mumbled: "You just mentioned his - and I quote - 'chiseled jawline' at least thrice since I've entered this room... Sorry, if I made any assumptions." Jesse rolled his eyes. "Come on, anyone would have mentioned that jawline. It is iconic." Hannes swallowed while holding up four fingers, indicating it being the fourth time Jesse had mentioned Rob's jawline. "... He is, you know.", said Hannes. "Who is what?", came Jesse's reply. Burrito half way to his mouth Hannes paused again, staring at Jesse in that way he did, when he thought that Jesse was being particularly slow in the head. "Rob. Homosexual. Rob is gay.", Hannes stressed. Jesse replied with a simple and elegant: "Ah." Very eloquent.
"He broke up with David from down the hall like two weeks ago.", Hannes added, "Jesse, surely you remember the crying." "I do remember the crying. There was actually a lot of it.", Jesse chuffed. There was a pause. Hannes furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, you don't have a problem with-", he questioned, carefully. "NO! no no! God no.", Jesse quickly insisted. Hannes nodded "Good, I had assumed because- You're a liberal guy. But we already established I am not good at assuming today.", smiled Hannes, already significantly more relaxed. "Anyway that's Rob's ex boyfriend down the hall." Jesse nodded.
"Rob Jetten... what a loss for the ladies.", he said, deep in thought again.
And then Hannes actually rolled his eyes at him. "Call the guy.", Hannes said. Then he tossed Jesse's flip phone at him and plopped down on his bed to chew on the rest of his burrito.

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