Chapter 25

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Jisoo's POV

It's been a months since Lisa and I entered this hell Dorm and heaven University.. It's hard to adjust but we made it .. This university give us opportunities on everything we needed to work on ourselves and I think we made it..

Months that Lisa and Jennie are finally okay now ..
Months that Lisa and Rosie are finally over on past ..
Months that I forgiven my best friend..
Months that Jennie's Mom thanked Lisa for saving her daughter in hell..


Months that Tzuyu and V broke up..


"Why V.!! Why!!?"

Tzuyu shouting madly to her boyfriend V while crying..

"Why did you do this to me!?"

I can feel the pain of Tzuyu ..

"I trusted you .. I trusted you!"

She keep yelling to her boyfriend ..

"I told you not to go but why you lied and still go to that dam* party of your ex!"

This time Tzuyu push her boyfriend ..

"I hate you!"

Punching V is not enough for Tzuyu's pain ..

"You told me that I was the girl you want to marry!"

I want to hug Tzuyu but I can't .. I can feel her pain rn .. I know how it's hurt if someone we loved left us .. I know how it feels ..

"You're the man I want to stand next to me while facing the altar"

It's Friday .. Friday and our last class is History .. We're so happy earlier since our professor didn't give us a pop quiz but when we exited the classroom .. V is waiting for us .. He was so broken when he approached his girlfriend.. Tzuyu the sweet girl about to kiss his boyfriend but it shocked us when V push Tzuyu gently and broke up with her that fast without any explanation...

"V we've been dating for almost 1 year now .. You made my life happy .. You made my day every day .. You're the guy that I don't want to lose but I don't want to be selfish"

How can be this world so unfair??
Why do our someone we love leave us??
Why do the happiest moments we shared to each other are now just a memory..??
What's wrong to the people destroying our present life??


"I want to fight for us V.. I want you to stay.. I want you forever but I'm not a selfish .. I know how it feels when your father left your mom when he found out that she's pregnant because he choose his happiness.. I don't want your child to grow up having only his mom beside him .. It's hard to be a single mom .. I know that because I saw my mom working two jobs to support me and buy the things I needed.."

I look away .. We're just same Tzu.. My Mom left us because she still love her ex boyfriend while your father left your mom when she found out that she's pregnant with you and still not ready yet to be a father ..

"I'm so proud of you for choosing the right decision V.."

Why so unfair??

How it feels to have a complete and happy family??

TELL ME PLS!!.. :(

"I'm sorry .. I should be listen to you that night and maybe this didn't happened.. Baby you know how much I love you but I made a biggest mistake--"

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