Chapter 20

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Lisa's POV

"Go Lisa!!!!!"

"Go Tzuyu!!!"

Everyone's shouting when we start to perform ..

Today is the semi-final and we need to give our best so that we can go to the Finals ..

I was so focus on performing when the light reflecting the kitten watching us .. She look badtrip again .. Did her boyfriend forgot to text her again?

Since I was looking after Jen .. She's comfortable telling me about her problems especially if she's badtrip because her boyfriend forgot to call her before 8 pm ..

And if you see her kitten eyes turn to tiger that means she's badtrip ..

My eyes are on her ..


I forgot my steps .. Lucky me Tzuyu save me...

"Omg look"


I was surprised when Tzuyu hold my neck and do sexy dance ..

"Lisa what are you doing .. you should focus.."

She whisper on me..

"I'm sorry"

I said ..

"Go with the flow"

She said so I did..



Tzuyu and I bowed then go to the back stage to rest before the announcement of top 3 that will go to final ..

"What's on you earlier?"

Yeah what's on me earlier that I forgot my steps..

"You just stop on your spot like a statue"

She added...

"I'm sorry .. It won't happen again.."

I replied ..

"It's okay .. I think people like our on the spot performance"

She was smiling cutely that made me smile this time...

"Okay let's welcome our top 6 again .. please exit the back stage and come with us now ladies and gentlemen"

The host said ..

"Let's go"

I said and guide Tzuyu because she's wearing a heels now..

"Your performance are incredible .. You all did a great job!"

Everyone's clapping their hands now..
Some of them shouting the team they want to win ..

"I have here the now the top 3 that will go to the finals on Monday.. Are you guys ready to know the top 3!!???"

Everyone's shouting YES..

"I'm hoping we can go to the finals"

Tzuyu said with a nervous voice.. I get her hands to calm her ..

"Sure we can .. You made the best choreography earlier"

I said to her and she smiled at me..

"We did the best choreography"

She corrected that made us smiled to each other ..

"Okay .. Here are the top 3... Please move forward if I call your numbers.."

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