Chapter 12

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Rosie's POV

*Next Morning*

"Good Morning"

Jisoo about to smack Lisa's head again but avoided it when she remembered yesterday..

"Hello guys"

I smiled and for the first time I saw Lisa's smile .. The real smile of her..

"Hi Rosie"

Jennie said and drag me to the bus ..
I look behind me .. LiSoo look seriously talking about something ..

"Uhm Rosie can I sat beside you this time ..?"

Jennie ask me when we entered the bus..

"It's okay but are you and Lisa fight yesterday?"

I asked with confusion ..

"Nope.. I just want to sat beside you this time since Lisa keep teasing me"

She replied so I just nodded..
Jennie and I sat on the middle ..

I saw LiSoo entered the bus..

What's on that face Jisoo??

She look mad and serious but still I saw them sat next to each other on the back ..

Is everything's alright???

"I'm hungry"

Jennie cutely said beside me..

"Me too"

I replied to forget about Jisoo's face this time..

"You're always hungry Chaeng"

Jennie replied that made us laugh

"Shh other student might here you"

I shyly said ..

"Haha sorry"

Jennie said .. She's nice to be with ..

"Uhm Jen can I ask about you .. I mean I want to know you more.."

She nodded and smiled at me..

"Only child?"

I asked

"Yeah how 'bout you?"

She said.. I shake my head as my response..

"I have an older sister.. Is it okay to ask about your love life..?"

I'm so excited know about her boyfriend tho..

"Ow sure.. I met him after my class way back high school.. He invited me to their church and then we become closer till he courted me for months.. I can see him the seriousness of love so I didn't think twice and answered him with a sweet yes"

She said while looking at the window smiling .. Aw... I love their love story

"But ofc being in a relationship there's a lot of challenges that will targeted us .. We broke up many times but the love stayed on us.."

She added..

"Actually when we entered college we decided to cool off so that we can focus to our study but last month we talked and decided to fight having each other sides.."

Aw... how sweet ..

"Aw .. I'm jealous on your love story huhu"

I said and she look at me rn ..

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