Short Side Story #6

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k2black17 Thank you for the idea also for the support

It was nice sunny day

Su: Kevin!

Su called my name in a feminine voice

Su... Su, I've always had a crush on her but cannot confess because I was a cry-baby-piss-shy-babyman myself. as the usual we hang out together. All things went well until

Mei: Kevin... I... I always liked you please... go out with me

Su was there watching us, she was heart broken she leaved before she can hear anything

Kevin: But Mei... I... I like some body else

Mei: Oh... I see then

Mei smiled as tears run through her check


Su was crying and then big bully comes

Kiana: Aww looks who's crying

Su: Please, just get out!

Kevin: Did Nii-nii hurted you. It's okay he's mine anyways

Su became delusion she thought she wasn't enough for Kevin... She wanted him to be hers and her alone

The next day

Kevin: Su!

Su was avoiding me for some reason and then Kiana came to be I couldn't help but walk with her. Why? I ask myself


Kevin: Su

Su ran as she tried avoiding me, until I got her cornered

Su: Why? Why are you doing this?

Su said as she cried... why was I like this, when I see her cry I don't like it what's happening to me, could it be love that's doing it

Su: Why don't you spend with the girls?!

Su ask in the most saddest manner

Su: Just let me go, please

Kevin: I'll never let you go, Su... I like you

Su: But Mei loves you

Kevin: I turned her down

Su was shock

Su: Why?


I screamed my love for her

Su: Kevin...

Kevin: Su...

We then kis-

I wake up at morning as Kiana tried to kiss me. I slapped her gently

Kiana: Nii-nii, chuu~ Chuu~

Kevin: No kiss

Kiana: But!

Kevin: I said no kiss!

Kiana frowned

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