After a while, they said:

???: Y/n, the name's Y/n.
Caitlyn: Cait-

I cut her off before she could say any stupid shit.

Vi: Mathilda! Her name's Mathilda!

They looked at me suspiciously. But now I know, it's actually them, it's the Y/n...They changed a lot over the years, they're a lot bolder with tattoos covering they body. I hope that they would be ready to help me find Powder...

Y/n: Sure...Mathilda...Anyways, I'll be on my way now , keep lying to people. That'll surely get you somewhere. Byeee!

If you the Owl house,you can surely imagine how Y/N said that ;)

And with that, they left. I wanted to say something but nothing came out, so I let them be, hoping to see them again.

Y/N's POV:

I continued walking around, knowing farewell I should've stayed there for possibly Vi? I knew she wasn't dead, but I should keep it from Jinx. She doesn't need this stress right now...
I plugged my Ear Pods in before listening to a song called Enemy. It's a song I wrote when I was 17, not that long ago. Jinx was all over it, blasting the song 24/7. It still flustered me, knowing how her eyes glowed up when she first listened to it, calling it a masterpiece.

Flashback: (Jinx's 16,Y/n's 18)

Jinx: Dude, this is amazing. How did you make that?

I laughed and blushed at the same time while we blasted my song. She grabbed my waist and hugged me tightly while lifting me, even though she's smaller then me.

I'm 6 foot while she's only 5 foot 4.

I blushed a deep red but ended up wrapping my arms around her. After 5 minutes, she let go, playing the song on repeat.

Jinx: I swear to god, I'll marry you just for this song.

I didn't know if she was joking or being serious. However, the butterflies in my stomach were going completely crazy.

Jinx: You HAVE to make another one.

She looked at me with that glow in her eyes that were like a riddle I couldn't solve..

Y/N: We'll see about that.

Moreover, I put my arm over her shoulder while she grabbed my waist.

End of flashback

Since she was begging me to write another song, I made "Playground", which she loved just as much, if not more.

If you couldn't already tell, I have a biiiiiiig crush on Jinx, I did since we first became friends, so like 13 years ago, but I was too young to realize it until I was 14 ,so 7 years later. She means everything to me and I want to protect her with my life. However, she doesn't feel the same way, does she?

Through all this thinking, I didn't realize I entered a building where Love is in the air if you know what I mean...

Cover your eyes, kids!

After 10 minutes, I could hear fighting somewhere, which isn't exactly unusual in the under city. I went to check it out nonetheless, out of curiosity. The fighting got louder as I approached it and ended up in an alleyway leading towards a room. There were two women fighting, one of them being Sevika, why did she have to be here, and Vi

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