Delaney watched as the Inferni named Polina screamed at Delaney before charging at her, Kaz screamed at the girl to move but she stood still glaring at the Inferni, "Inej, Run!" Delaney screamed at the Suli girl who stood beside her wanting to fight by her side but was pulled by Jesper, Polina was the first one to charge, fire came towards her but it didn't touch her since Delaney immediately controlled it and shot it back at Polina who fell down in pain, surprised by the sudden force and how strong the fire was.

Delaney glared at Polina one last time before turning around on her heels running, following where Kaz disappeared, "That Barrel rat killed my brother. I will reduce her to ash" exclaimed Polina in anger as she was about to follow the black haired girl who disappeared, Zoya nodded before speaking calmly, "Fine. Be smart about it, but you don't know who did it, both those girl have the same knives. Think before taking your anger out." with that Polina ran after Inej instead who disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"You really love to get yourself killed, huh?!" Kaz called out while peering over to the girl who looked behind in worry to see if anyone was following them, Delaney turned to the boy with a smirk on her lips, "Oh no, Brekker, I am all for these types of games, it's not getting myself killed." Kaz watched as she walked ahead of him, a small smile was on the corner of his lips as he shook his head. Delaney suddenly stopped dead in her track as her hand found a dagger before pointing it at the person in front of her with nothing but rage in her eyes, Kaz stood beside her death glaring the General in front of him, shadow followed him as Kirigan walked closer to the two teenagers. Delaney and Kaz stepped back in unison with harsh looks in their eyes, Kirigan eyes were only on Delaney, "I know you kidnapped my Sun summoner. And now you're going to tell me where you stashed her." Delaney chuckled, "Well, well, look who we have here, General Kirigan. You don't recognize me do you?" Kaz was confused, what is going on? Do they know each other?

"Your Sun summoner, the last time I checked you didn't have a Sun summoner but a Healer who died and an Inferni named in which you killed back in Fold, Esmeralda. We didn't take her. She fled on her own, who wants to stay with a lunatic who uses young girls for their powers?" Delaney spoke coldly while twirling the knife in her finger watching as the Darkling stopped dead in his tracks, no one knew about his past and all this information. A dark chuckle left her lips as her eyes turned black the same way his, matching. A wicked grin was placed on her lips as Kaz listened to their deadly conversation, not understanding what they both were talking about. Kirigan stared at her with deadly eyes, he tried so hard to remember who this girl was but she looked familiar to the woman he once fell in love with and soon killed after she tried to run away from him. "Where is she? I won't ask you again." Kirigan's eyes snapped form hers to Kaz who coldly responded, "I don't know. It was pretty clear she wasn't interested in being a captive anymore. She's probably halfway to Novyi Zem by now." Kaz cold voice always seemed to send a shiver down Delaney's spine, he raised an eyebrow challenging the Darkling, Delaney nodded beside him at the Shadow Summoner watching as shadow came out from behind him as he started using his powers. Both the teenagers stood still not caring about the shadow coming from behind, "You should have stayed in Ketterdam, Mr. Brekker." As Kirigan pulled his hands out and was about to do some Grisha hand movement, a knife was suddenly in his shoulder earning a painful groan from him, "To remember me!" yelled out Delaney while laughing, a sudden explosion echoed around the whole place as Kirigan covered himself, Both the teenagers disappeared. 

The Darkling hand went towards the knife before pulling it out carefully out of his shoulder who was bleeding heavily as soon as the knife was out of his shoulder, a name was carved on the knife 'Delaney Esmeralda Zenovia' then it clicked, she was the daughter of Esmeralda Zenovia, the Powerful Inferni he fell in love with and killed inside the Fold. "Oh, I will kill this bitch." Kirigan whispered harshly with murderous eyes as he swore if he saw her again, she's the first he's going to kill.

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