the escape

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A/N: The Company escapes, and Cameron finds herself fighting the orcs and Thorin.

"Cam! Cam, wake up!" I'm stirred awake by Bilbo, who's shaking me by the shoulders. I shoot upright, only barely keeping in a scream due to him having startled me.

"Djeez, Bilbo, what's going on?" I ask him once I've calmed down, now confused.

"I've found a way to get us out of here. There's barrels in the basement, we'll escape through them. They drop them into the water and the river leads straight to Dale!" He explains, excitement in his eyes and voice.

"Bilbo, you're brilliant!" I exclaim, pulling him into a hug. He chuckles at that, but we quickly quiet down again.

"When are we leaving?" I ask him, whispering once more.

"In the afternoon. I just have to grab the keys from the guard. I'll come get you once I have them, then we can go free the dwarves and get the hell out of here. I think it's easier not to be seen with just you instead of 12 dwarves, and the dungeons are closer to the wine cellar." He explains, making me nod in agreement.

"You're so brave. I'm proud of you, Bilbo." I whisper, then wrap him into another hug.

"I know. I love you, Cameron." He whispers back, tearing up slightly.

"I love you too, Bilbo."

After that, Bilbo leaves the room, and I find myself wide awake despite the early hour. We still had a chance to make it to the mountain in time.

When the sun finally begins to shine through my window, I quickly put on my clothes. Thranduil had offered to get them cleaned, but I'd refused, thank God, out of nostalgia or something, and now I was glad I did. They smelled, but not too bad, considering we'd only been in them for a few weeks and I'd just changed my shirt the day we got captured. The hours go by painfully slow, until finally, my door opens once more, an invisible Bilbo sneaking inside.

"Alright, let's go." He whispers, taking my hand to lead me out of the room. The hardest part is getting out of the infirmary, considering that there are healers inside, but Bilbo quickly fixes it by pushing some elf down the stairs, causing multiple elves to crash into each other. All the healers rush into that direction, and Bilbo and I sneak out quickly. After that, we make it to the dungeons unseen, thanks to Bilbo dragging me into other hallways or tiny storage rooms in time so other elves don't spot me, him still being invisible.

"Cameron!" Bofur exclaims, noticing me first. The others see me now too, beginning to exclaim how happy they are to see me.

"Shh! You'll let them know we're here!" Bilbo hushes them quickly, now coming into view as well. He pulls out the keys he'd stolen from the guard, and begins to unlock everyone's cells, after which I make sure they're all alright, checking them out quickly. Soon enough, everyone's out, and we're on our way to the cellar. Thorin's eyes had met mine, when he was released from his cell, but the look in them was enough for me to keep my distance. He was mad at me, that was for sure.

Once we reach the cellar, Bilbo shows our escape route: the barrels. A lot of the dwarves utter sceptic comments.

"Get your asses in those barrels! Bilbo knows what he's doing!" I exclaim, shoving some of them towards the barrels. Once they've all crawled inside, Bilbo and I are about to move as well, when I do a count and realize it.

"Bilbo, Cameron! What's taking you so long?" Thorin barks, making me swallow harshly.

"There's not enough barrels. Besides, someone needs to pull the lever." Bilbo explains.

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