"Thanks Saff. I'll catch ya. See ya Charlie," Curtis left, ignoring everyone else at the table.

"It's just a scratch, don't worry," Charlie said a little gruff when Saffron turned back to worry about his arm. 

"Who healed you?" 

"Kiley," Charlie asked, picking up his fork to begin eating. Saffron's hand slipped from his arm. "They said you were too busy."

"Everyone was too busy today," Saffron frowned. 

"I know, but it needed immediate attention and apparently you were busy," he said.

"If Curtis was able to ask for me and get me, I'm sure you would have been able to as well," Saffron frowned, slightly hurt. She knew she was being silly, but she wanted to heal Charlie, so that she knew it was done right. True she was busy but surely they could have squeezed in Charlie. 

At Curtis's name though, Charlie put his fork down and wiped his face with his napkin. 

"I'm full. I'm going to bed, night Saffron," Charlie stood up and walked out. 

Saffron met the confused watching eyes of the others before jumping up and chasing after Charlie. 

"Charlie!" she called as she ran outside. 

"I said I'm going to bed," Charlie said. 

"Charlie stop," Saffron said, grabbing his hand, Charlie stopped instantly, standing there waiting. It was pouring rain but they hardly noticed themselves getting soaked.

"What was that?" Saffron asked, not letting his hand go, but moving to stand in front of him. 

"What was what?" Charlie asked not looking at her.

"You know what. Is it so bad if I wanted to heal you? I'm sorry if I upset you. If I'm being over protective. I'm sorry Charlie. I know it's stupid and I'm sorry," Saffron rambled, not sure exactly to say what she wanted. 

"It's not you," Charlie shook his head. "I should-"

"No! Charlie neither of us are going anywhere until this is sorted out. If it's not me..."

Charlie bit his lip. 

"What's going on between you and Curtis?" Charlie asked. 

"Me and Cur-nothing," Saffron said. 

"Are you sure? He seemed pretty friendly back there. You both did."

"Charlie. Nothing is going on between us. We're acquaintances and I was just being polite!"

"Polite? He called you Saff for crying out loud," Charlie said, letting some of his anger out. 

"Everyone's been calling me Saff," Saffron said back, anger starting to boil inside her. 

"Everyone?" Charlie asked. 

"Yeah. But it doesn't mean anything unless you say it," Saffron said, she hoped that being cheesy and sweet would calm the both of them down. Charlie, not so much. 

"You know all about his injuries," Charlie pointed out. 

"Only because he's in all the time. I'm constantly, we all are, constantly healing him," Saffron fought back. 

"He asks for you to specifically heal him."

"Only because he likes my tactics, not because he likes me," Saffron shook his head. "Charlie this is ridiculous."

Charlie huffed, looking away from Saffron. 

"Look, it's my day off tomorrow. I can spend your lunch hour and dinner with you, we can talk this out. Both of us are exhausted, maybe we should talk about this with clear minds?" Saffron suggested.

"I don't want to go to bed mad," Charlie said.

"Me neither. But I don't want either of us to say or do something we regret."

"Me neither," Charlie agreed. 

"I love you Charlie Weasley. You," Saffron said. 

"I love you too Saffron Hawthorn," Charlie said, a smile still not breaking from his face. 

"I'll see you tomorrow then? Breakfast?" Saffron asked. 

"No, you sleep in ok? Grab some brunch instead. I'll see you at lunch though," Charlie said. As much as he wanted to sort it out as well, he also wasn't looking forward to their conversation. 

"Oh, ok," Saffron said, nodding. 

"Night Saffron," Charlie said, he gave her hand a squeeze and walked past her. He was upset. He couldn't be with her all the time, he knew that. And he knew that she couldn't heal him all the time. But seeing that she did Curtis and you could so obviously tell that he was being overly friendly towards Saffron, it made him jealous. And he was not a fan of jealousy and not used to this feeling either. 

Saffron stood where she was. "Goodnight Charlie," she said, shivering. The chill of the rain finally getting to her. 

"Oh just the person I was looking for," Saffron turned around to see the smirk of Lenard. She was wearing all black, a black umbrella held high over her head. 

"Good evening Lenard," Saffron said and feeling brave she added. "I heard you were wanting to see me this morning."

"I was. I was just wanting to catch up with you. See how you were enjoying work?" she asked. 

"Very much so," Saffron nodded. 

"That's good. Today was a very busy today though wasn't it. What with this weather?" Lenard held her hand out of the umbrella, letting rain drops fall onto her palm. 

"Yes, it was," Saffron said, arms hugging her body. 

"Yes. Well that leads me to why I wanted to see you. Tomorrow is going to be just as busy, so I was asking if you could please work tomorrow's day shift?" Lenard asked, a sweet yet salty smile on her face. 

Saffron took a few moments to reply. She didn't wish to tomorrow no. She hadn't had a day off in over a fortnight and she was exhausted. Plus she wanted to be able to see Charlie throughout the day. With work she couldn't do that. 

But she also knew what people said about Lenard, what her friends had warned her about.

"I can do that," Saffron said, returning the fake smile. 

"Wonderful. Well Melody will see you bright and early. You are favored there after a month and a half already. Well done, I must congratulate your talents."

"Thank you," Saffron said, still a bit weary and not sure she was really complimenting so much. 

"Well enjoy the rest of your night. Oh and don't worry so much about Charlie. He'll be fine. No need to give him any distractions, the dragons are trouble enough. Good night now." 

And with that Lenard walked away, Saffron standing there in the rain, watching her walk towards the hall. 

Saffron turned to look in the direction Charlie had gone. It was pitch black. No longer hungry, Saffron walked back to the apartment. 

The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now