The pup changed into its human form looking at the omega with its cute doe eyes making the omega coo and awe at his cute little chubby cheeks

"Hewoo pweety angel~" the puppy said looking at the omega with wide eyes making grabby hands towards him as the omega lifted him from the ground placing into his laps

"Am I preety"

"Yesh angel ! Pweety angel" he placed his baby hands on omega's bread cheeks making the omega smile wide

"But you're the cutest little puppy" he smooched his little forehead making the pup giggle

"What is your name little one~"

"M'name Bomgyu annd m'alpha~" the pup said with proud voice snuggling closer to the omega

"Such a cute name for cute little puppy hmmm~"he squeezed his cheeks making the pup whine

"Gyuuuu~" they heard a cute whining voice behind them catching their attention a cute little pup ran towards them

"Hello there little one" the omega caress the new puppy who nuzzled his face into his palm

"Hyuka~" the little alpha shuffled out of the lap of the omega engulfing the another pup who looked like beta into his arms nuzzling into him making the other giggle into his actions

"Gyu~ tickels"

"Ohho hyuka how many time I've to tell you not to run like that" another wolfie joined them who seemed alittle older than the two of the little ones

"Sowwy hyunie~"he said with big pout making both puppies coo at his cute charm. You can see the both alpha pups were soft for the cute beta

"Hyunie meet pweety angel" Bomgyu pulled Taehyun towards the omega who was watching them with a fond smile on his face

"Hello I'm Kim Taehyung~" he said with cute voice making them all awe at his cuteness

"My name is Taehyun . I'm an Alpha"

"M' Kai but you can call me hyuka hehehe..andd m' a beta" he said shyly as the omega ruffled his hair

"You all are such a sweetheart" he hugged them all

"N'you're pweety angel" the beta shyly said

"Awww but you're more preety little one" he awed making other two nod in approval

"Pweety c-can we make flower crowns pwease"

"Of course cute hyuka ~" the both alpha ran towards the flower field to bring out different kind of flowers (man they're whipped )

"I've got flowers hyuka you don't have to run anywhere okie"

"I've got some too lookie hyuka " the beta shyly took the flowers placing a soft kiss on both of their cheeks making the alpha red with a large smile on their faces

"You guys will blend into something beautiful in future" he caresses their faces as they all sat down watching the omega and beta making flower crowns while the alpha were watching them with big doe eyes

"This is fow pweety" he placed the cute flower crown into omega's head making him smile "thank you hyuka"

"Gyuu ~. Hyunie~" he called the both alpha who scooted near him

He slowly placed flower crowns on their head too "My kings"he mumbled in cute voice as they both kisses his cheeks softly as they placed a cute crown on his head too "Our queen" they both said in unison (my heartue~)

The omega was playing with pups unknown of dark eyes watching him

"Look what we've got here......A cute Omega all alone"


College is taking a toll on my brain goddddd .....I hate studying but I've to earn money

Indeed koo....indeed~

This id oddly cute......they look like an naughty human following the Grim reaper around

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