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After their cute yet hot moment on kitchen Jungkook brought Tae to his office along with him because he didn't wanted to leave his omega alone

The Alpha was busy with his paper works meanwhile the omega was sulking down on the couch because of the lack of attention. He slowly made his way to the window from where he could see the pack ground.

His sulking pout turned into cute wide box smile watching cute small puppies playing with eachother , few on their wolf form while few were trying to get on their failing cutely making him giggle. The cute yet melodious giggle caught attention of the busy Alpha drawing his attention to his cute omega who now had a wide smile on his beautiful face making a unknown smile crept on his face too.

"What are you doing there pup" the omega slowly looked at him the smile never leaving his beautiful face

"Lookie bunbun ....the puppies are playing. They look so cute and fluffy~" he sang in his baby voice making the Alpha coo at his cuteness

"You are more cute and fluffy" he whispered lowly under his breathe

"Bunbun~"his attention was again drawn towards his omega who was now whining with his puffed cheeks and big pouts

"Yes pup "

"Can I go play with puppies"

"You know bub I can't let you go there alone"

"But pwease there will be puppies and they can't harm me I'm a big boy " he said trying to flex his cute fluffy arms making him look more cute

"Baby . I know you're a big boy but-

"Preety please bunbun please hmm~" he said in a cute voice his big puppy eyes on display with cute pout on his lips doing so many things to poor cold-hearted alpha's heart

"O-okay" the alpha was weak for his omega (cold-hearted my ass)

"Yesh~ You're the best alpha"he ran towards his alpha engulfing him into a big bear hug placing soft kisses all over his face making the alpha smile like a cute dork (boy he's goner)

"Thankies" he cutely smooched the alpha's lips and ran outside

A big sigh left the alpha's lips as he placed his hands on his fast beating heart "Oh lovie what are you doing to my poor heart"

He walked towards the window watching outside to make sure his omega was safe out there .....he could see the omega giggling and playing with the cute pups which made his heart content
"he's great with puppies"


Taehyung ran outside to the playground giggling at the site of cute puppies playing along with eachother

A cute little pup ran towards him snuggling down beside him making him coo at its cuteness

A cute little pup ran towards him snuggling down beside him making him coo at its cuteness

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(Bitch I want to have him as mineeeeee......soooo cuteeeee)

"Hellow little one" he slowly caress his fur making him snuggle more to his palm in seek of warmth making the omega giggle out

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