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Taehyung was thinking how fast situation could take a turn. Just a moment ago he was laughing and goofing around his mother and his best pal and now he's running as fast as he can with his friend just with a hope that someone will come and help them right away. How easily things could change right.

The day started beautifully. As usual he woke up by his mother's melodious voice and soft hands caressing his hair. They had breakfast together all family sitting in the dining table sharing small talks and laughter , after a while his father went out giving small kiss on his forehead and a loving kiss on his mother's lip . They were his ideal couple , if he ever get someone he wish to be like his mom and dad always in love.

After a moment YeonJun came with a basket of different flowers as they both sat down on his room making flower crowns , everything was beautiful just like everyday but suddenly they heard howls and cries .

Both of the boys ran down to see what was the cause of sudden chaos just to meet with few rogue wolfs fighting with his father and mother , through the door he could see the situation outside it was pure bloodbath. His pack was getting killed , houses were burned , everyone was getting killed even small wolfies , the Alphas and other wolfs were fighting trying to protect as much people as they could but they knew it won't be long that the pack would get defeated.

He tried to ran to save his parents which he knew he won't be able to but still he just can't let them die like that infront of his own eyes. YeonJun was trying to fight out as a Beta he had some strength but he wasn't bug enough to be able to do something . He was crying out loud unable to do anything when he saw his mother running towards him.

"M-mama " he cried hugging half dead body of his mother who was caressing his face gently as he knew it would be the last time for him to have his baby so close to him

"Tae my sweet child . Will you listen to mama my bear" he said with gentle voice

"Yes mama. Taetae will listen to everything .... please don't leave taetae please" tears were streaming down his eyes looking at the weak condition of his mother

"Please r-run my love. Run away from here . Take YeonJun with you , we won't be able to stop them for long , please puppy run away from here " he said with a weak breathe

"N-no . Please don't tell me to leave mama please . I can't live with you and Dadda please"

"You have to run sweet . Won't you listen to you Mama baby . YeonJun won't be able to fight for long. Your dadda and I will stop them for a while. Please run love. Someone is on the way to save you . So please listen to Mama for the last time you're my obedient puppy right "

"Y-yes Mama. I-i love you and Dadda so much " with this words he saw his mother changing into wolf form and charging at the one who was fighting with YeonJun

"Yeonie please take care my bear . He's too innocent for the world please promise me you'll take care of your brother" Baekhyun mindlinked YeonJun making him cry and nod

"Please run away Yeonie .....run towards the streams someone is there to get you both. Take care of taebear and yourself pup" Chanyeol said making the beta run towards Taehyung grabbing his hands and dragging him away from the situation because he has to keep his promise now to the people who loved him more than a real parents could

He carried tae on his back and ran fast towards the streams both of them were crying out loud they knew this would be last time they would ever see those faces, after a long run two loud painful howls were heard and they knew who it belonged to. With heavy heart they both reach to the streams waiting for the one said to protect them to come and get them

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