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'Anyone? I've never done it before.'

'Somebody do it. Dae-Su?'

'Here goes nothing. Uh, mice test. One, two. One, two. Cheong-San, are you there? We-'

'What are you doing? Hey. Cheong-San, do you hear us? It's Su-Hyeok. We'll come to you, so stay put. Got it? I know what you'll say, but we can't hear you here. So don't go anywhere. Wait for us. You really can't go anywhere, okay? We'll come now.'

'Cheong-San, please stay still. I know you never listen to me, but please do it this time.'  A fifth voice spoke before the intercom shut off for a minute.

Gwi-Nam watched Mae-Lynn smile, knowing that some of her friends were still alive for the moment. His satisfaction spread to knowing that Cheong-San was still alive too, and her friends knew where he was.

This was all coming together in his head. 

He looked down and picked up his knife from the kitchen, this just became even better. The intercom turned on again, playing a meditation CD. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Broadcasting room."

"Gwi-Name Don't you-" Mae-Lynn began, but he wasted no time and started to sprint towards the stairs. "Asshole!" The zombies came from the classrooms and swarmed the hallways to reach the intercoms. "Get back here!"

Gwi-Nam ignored her and kept running, he needed to kill Cheong-San. He felt a body hit him from behind, and he fell. He looked back to see Mae-Lynn had thrown one of the zombies at him.

Uh oh, she was pissed. 

"What the fuck Mae-Lynn!"

"Stop running!" She ordered as he stood up and started running again. 

Again, he ignored me and ran up the stairs and down the hall into the now empty Broadcasting room. He looked around quickly, taking note of the map to the roof written on a whiteboard.

He turned to leave again, listening to Mae-Lynn run up and block it before he could. "Mae-Lynn, stop blocking the door."

"No. I'm not going to let you hurt Cheong-San." She refused him, feeling confident in her new abilities. 

Please get out of the way, he pleads inside his head as he darkened his gaze. "I'm doing this to protect you."

"Protect me?" She scoffed. "Why would you need to protect me? The way I see it I can protect myself now. Did you see how easy it was for me to throw that monster at you?" Mae-Lynn stepped towards him. "I am stronger than I used to be, I don't need your damn protection."

"You made it this far because of me. You are stronger now, because of me. You need me, Mae-Lynn, if I wasn't around in that damn lunchroom you would have died. And your friends? They probably wouldn't even care!" He walked forward.

She froze, her face becoming hardened before it turned into anger and she stepped forward to deliver a hard slap across his face. "Fuck you, Gwi-Nam. I never should've been nice to you, guess I'm just too damn maive to know a bully when I see one."

Gwi-Nam blinked, moving his hand to touch where she had hit him. He stared down at her, regret beginning to lace her features. 

This isn't exactly how he imagined their first kiss to be. 

He leaned down and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pushing her into the door. Dirty thoughts played in his head when she kissed him back. 

Although he enjoyed this moment, he really needed to kill Cheong-San. He tightened his grip on the handle of the knife and jammed it into the palm of her hand.


He pulled the knife back out and ran out of the room, shutting the door behind him and then continuing to run up the stairs. Gwi-Nam stopped, watching a struggling Su-Hyeok fight with a zombie on one of the landings.

He thought about walking past him, but he could get some information out of a living Su-Hyeok instead of the dead version. So instead, he jammed the knife into the zombies skull and scoffed. "You moron. Total loser, huh?"

The traitor climbed up to his feet. "Thank you." 

"Of course. I saved your ass." He looked around for a second. "I'm looking for Cheong-San?"

"Cheong-San? For what?"


"What do you mean?"

God, could this guy be any stupider? "I'm killing him."

A silence breaks between the two of them, any minute now Mae-Lynn could come up and interfere again. "You're badly hurt. Are you okay?"

"I'm great." Gwi-Nam huffed. "I'm so fucking great. So Cheong-San?"

"That's not funny." Su-Hyeok glanced down at the bloody knife.

"Yeah, you were always like that." He snickered. "Isn't that right? Do this, don't do that. Always ordering me around. It's okay though. You fought better than I did. But you can't do that anymore." 

Gwi-nam yelled and swung at him with the knife. Su-Hyeok avoided every swing to the best of his abilities, struggling to the point he managed to get him to drop the weapon down the staircase. 

"You're nothing special." A harsh punch delivered to Su-Hyeok's chest.

They kept fighting, Gwi-Nam barely broke a sweat. "You're scared? That's okay. Hey. Aren't you scared?" He laughed.

"Crazy asshole!" 

"Weak asshole!"

Gwi-Nam felt someone wrap their arm around his neck, he thought it was Mae-Lynn so he bit down on their arm. Whoever it was screamed until he threw them into the wall.

It was some other girl, the class president. He didn't care, spitting out a chunk of flesh he walked over. "You little shithead!"

"Leave her alone!" Su-Hyeok shouts, running at him and pushing him through the window.

"Ah fuck-"

And then his head hit the ground.

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