I'm So Sexy

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Second period was Science class, where Gwi-Nam sat right behind Eun-Ji. "A virus, is somewhere between a living organism and a non-living organism." He viewed the video from earlier, courtesy of Chang-Hoon, and set a timer for the next day as the teacher spoke.

"Like a living organism, it adapts to it's surroundings and evolves." Gwi-Nam scooted his desk closer to Eun-Ji and grabbed  marker. "Everything that evolves in this manner," He slid off the girls sweater, she turned to look but quickly turned back around. "Should be considered an independent living organism."

As his artistic desire flourished on the white button down she wore, he changed to a different colored marker for little red hearts. He wrote 'I'm so sexy' and smirked, listening to her sniffling. "Mr. Lee, the textbook says a virus is not an independent living organism." Someone spoke.

"Whether or not it's categorized that way doesn't depend on it's metabolism, but its will to survive." Other students began laughing quietly. "If its will is so strong...The instinct to survive actually surpasses intelligence. And eventually the ecosystem is dominated by that will."

"Humanity has never once completely defeated a virus." Mr. Lee turned the TV on, and changed it to some science video Gwi-Nam had no interest in. "Leucochlordium paradoxum. This parasite's final destination is a bird. The parasite enters a snail and infects its ocular tentacles."

"That makes the snail put itself in the path of predatory birds. So the infected snail commits suicide at the whim of the parasite. Tell me. Now is that because the snail is less intelligent? It's not. It's because the parasite's will to survive is much stronger than the snail's."

Gwi-Nam grabbed the back of Eun-Ji's head and leaned forward, wondering if Mae-Lynn liked her hair pulled. "Shut up when the teacher's talking."

"The evolving and hereditary will to survive is..."

"Keep your head up." He let her go.

"The sole standard by which living organisms are defined."

"So is the textbook wrong?" The same kid asked.

"The textbook? It's wrong."


Finally the time for lunch came, he got his food and sat down nearby Mae-Lynn's table. He was lucky to have the same time for lunch as her. She seemed sad, barely paying attention to the two girls who remained nameless in his head.

She stayed where she sat as they got up to throw away their remnants of lunch, her brow furrowed with worry. He hated seeing her like this, Hyeon-Ju's disappearance must have really messed with her.

His head snapped up when hers dead, watching as students scrambled inside the cafeteria in a panic. Eventually they broke the doors, eager to get to safety. Was there a shooter? What the hell was going on.

He stood stunned as a student bit into someones neck, straight out of a damn horror movie! Bones crunching began to fill the air as more people were bitten into. His eyes shifted to find her, Mae-Lynn, he had just seen her! He caught her standing frozen as a red eyed student ran straight  for her. He only had one thought.

Save her you stupid asshole!

Another kid knocked her to the ground, the thing still coming for her. Gwi-Nam yelled and ran to push the damned thing out of it's path, then he grabbed her and ran to the exit as the sprinklers sprang on and showered everyone with water.

Every direction was a monster waiting for a meal. They slipped in the water and blood as they turned back and rushed to enter the kitchen from under the gate, he pushed her under a table then climbed in himself. 

The screaming began to die down, and all that was left was the snarls and growls of kids who couldn't make it out alive.


They sat for hours underneath the metal table. The girl across from him held her knees to her chest with wide eyes. He watched as monsters stumbled by without knowing they were there. Earlier, when Mrs. Park came on the intercom they had gotten louder.

Gwi-Nam switched his view to a large knife in the dishwasher, then back at the terrified girl. He would do anything for her. "Mae." He paused.

She looked at him, nearly through him, her lips remaining in a tight grimace. "I'll be right back, don't move."

He looked again for the clear, then climbed out and ran for the knife. His breathing became panicked as one of the monsters reached for him, instantly he stabbed the thing in the head.

He took out the other two that remained, with a bit of struggle, until it was just the two humans left. He caught his breath before calling out to her with a raspy voice. "You can come out now."

She hesitated before climbing out and looking at the small massacre with wide eyes, so innocent. "Did you kill them?"

"Yeah, come on. That backdoor will get us out of here." He used his freehand to grab hers before walking to the exit door, keeping her quiet.

It was already dark outside, and several of the zombies were in the courtyard. "Fuck." He ducked back behind the wall.

"What's wrong?" She whispered, looking behind them.

"Nothing." He lied. "Just keep your eyes closed and don't stop running until I say so." Gwi-Nam kept a firm grip on her hand, fear ebbing into his mind. "Ready? Don't let go." He felt her squeeze his hand, then he took a deep breath and started to run.

"Oh my god-"

They ran past so many zombies who tried to grab at them, he stabbed and pushed away any of the fuckers who dared touch them. They finally got into the school and ran down a hall, stopping and turning around, entering a random room upon seeing more at the end of the corridor.

Gwi-Nam threw her inside and killed off the monsters inside, he was panicked and intoxicated by the need to keep her safe. When the things were dead it became quiet, he heard the girl let out a sob.

"Oh my god, we're going to die here." She panicked, he whipped around to watch her wipe tears away.

"Hey, no we're not. As long as i'm here, nothing will happen to you." He blanked out, panicking, he didn't know how to console someone he didn't distress in the first place. "Shit."

"You don't know that. It's clearly the apocalypse." She sniffled.

He frowned. "You're right, but I swear I'll protect you."

"Promise?" She whispered.

"Uh yeah, promise." He nodded, sitting on one of the clean chairs, the others had blood and he was going to use this to some sort of an advantage. Mae-Lynn looked over the bodies, worry crossing her face. "Come here, this is the only clean one, we can share it." He hummed.

"How are we going to sleep with those things, monsters, out there?" She frowned.

"I told you i'd protect you. Come on."

She sighed and walked over, sitting in an empty part of the small chair. He saw she looked uncomfortable in this stupid chair, but still managed to fall asleep quickly, her head dipping low.

He cursed quietly, moving her as he got up to clean off the other chair so she could curl up and they could both sleep somewhat comfortably.

"Goodnight, love."

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