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TW: Does contain nudity, if you've seen the show you know how the construction Site scene goes.

This might get a little messy I'm sure, heads rolling for the one I adore.


Yoon Gwi-Nam had his eyes on June Mae-Lynn for a while now. Practically stalking her everyday, he knew her whole school schedule. What classes she took, what'd she do after school, etc.

Her favorite music, what new book she was reading.

He memorized every one of her facial features, from her long black hair to the dimples that showed when she smiled.

He was obsessed. 

So of course he was there to help her up when she tripped running after her friends. "Ow, this is why I don't run." She pouted, dazed from the fall.

He waved his hand in front of her face. "Need help?" He watched pink grow across her cheeks and he nearly smiled.

"Oh uh, yes please." She gladly took his help and dusted herself off when she got back on her feet. "Thank you Gwi-Nam!"

"You really shouldn't be so clumsy." He teased, then watched her tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. He loved watching her do that.

"I know, I was just excited to see my friends. Speaking of, I should get going. Thank you again!" Mae-Lynn smiled then turned and took off running towards her friends. 

He loved watching her run too. 


Stop thinking like that you fucker!


The next day started out as smoothly as it usually did, getting ready in his signature black sweater and white button down, and then heading to school early to meet with his 'friends'. And as usual, grabbing Eun-Ji and another kid and sneaking over to the construction site.

Except before they could enter the trail, Mae-Lynn stopped Gwi-Nam, Looking worried. "Hey, Gwi-Nam! Have you seen Hyeon-Ju since yesterday? She hasn't answered any calls or texts."

He shrugged. "Haven't seen her."

"Oh well, uh, thank you anyway." She smiled and skipped off to her class. 

He frowned after she left, but followed the group nonetheless. The walk wasn't long but it would at least make him absent for the whole of first period. 

Piles of bricks and tools lay strewn about the area, along with piles of bags of powdered cement. Gwi-Nam looked around the area while everyone except for the two losers got comfortable. "Hey. Is it my fault that idiot Jin-Su went missing, huh?"

"That's not it." The boy loser shakily said. 

"Then why the hell did you decide to tattle on me, you little prick?"

"The teacher said to write down everything we knew."

"And what do you know, huh? Asshole." Myeong-Hwan yelled, throwing a shovel to the floor. "Seriously, what the hell do you know? You're just freaking unbelievable." He looked past him, to Gwi-Nam and Chang-Hoon. "Hey. Go ahead." 

"Over here. Huh?" Chang-Hoon looked over at Eun-Ji, who quickly averted her eyes. "Where you looking at, huh?" He laughed, annoyed. "Uh, fuck." 

Gwi-Nam rolled her eyes and walked over, shoving the girl a bit. "It's Okay. Take if off." He pretended Eun-Ji was Mae-Lynn for a bit, although he would Never let this happen to her.

They made the boy record on his own phone so they could always blame it on him later. By now Eun-Ji was sobbing on the floor, her arms over her chest to keep her dignity.

Chang-Hoon sat on a pile of bricks, also recording with his own phone. "You perverted freak." Gwi-Nam laughed. 

"You like it?" They yelled to the boy, who lowered his phone with shaking hands. 

"Hey. The video." Gwi-Nam grumbled, walking over. "You asshole." He slung his arm around his shoulders and urged him forward. "Go on, just press record." Forcing his hands to hold the phone up and record again.

When he resisted and stepped back, Gwi-Nam grabbed his face and forced him backwards. "You wanna die, asshole?"

"That's enough." A voice spoke up from nearby. "Stop." Su-Hyeok entered the light.

Gwi-Nam looked over at Myeong-Hwan, who scoffed at the traitor. He took that as a sign to let go of the kid and back off. "Shit. Son of a bitch." Smacking the back of Gwi-Nam's head, which meant that wasn't the order given. "We're not playing around, you moron." 

He scoffed again and sized Su-Hyeok up. "You used to party with us. Don't act holier than thou, you hear me? Fuck off."

"You need to grow up." Su-Hyeok looked over at the two losers and huffed. "Get outta here." Eun-Ji sped to put a shirt back on and stand up. 

"Go ahead." Myeong-Hwan scoffed. "You might be safe."

"You look really sexy in this, should I send it to your mom." Gwi-Nam spoke up towards Eun-Ji. "You know i'm friends with her on Facebook." 

The boys laughed. "What kind of a weirdo makes friends with an old lady?" Chang-Hoon teased.

Su-Hyeok grabbed both of them and started to walk by the stairs, Eun-Ji stopped him, whispering something before walking back to the group with the boy right behind her.  "Take it off. Or should I do it for you?"

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