Chapter 1: All the Bad Things [edited]

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I started writing this in 2020 and didn't do my research so some things don't add up lol. Happy reading tho

Edit: the plot after this chapter might not make sense since km trying my best to match the lore (kind of- j don't do research lol) so



For a second, you had stopped breathing.
Rain poured down against your ice-cold skin. The man across from you showed you no sympathy. The cheerful facade you were used to had no longer rested upon his face. You looked at his darkened eyes through the tears you had failed to hold back.

"You think I wanted this?!", he started, holding back a couple of tears of his own. The almost-broken marble walls breaking under his fist "I'm so done with your bullshit y/n!"

"You started this Tartaglia"

"And I'll end it."

Your face did not betray the disbelief you felt. The tip of your ring had started to frost over, unable to hold the anger and sadness you had felt. He turned away from you, too angry and irrational to listen to anything you had to say. Though your relationship had been nothing but toxic these past weeks, you had expected it to get better.

"Tartaglia", you called

No answer


No answer


He stilled.
In the past, hearing his name from your lips would be anything but painful. Yet as soon as his name left your mouth, the resolve he had built up almost melted away. You reached out your hand, loosely holding his fingertips.

"Don't leave me.."

He damn well might had cracked at that moment. All he wanted to do was turn around and embrace you. He wanted to kiss you, hug you. Tell you that everything was alright. He wanted to love you like any other man.

"..We're over Y/N"

But he couldn't.
You bit down on your own teeth.

"I love you, you know that I love you", you trembled

"I know that"

"I gave up everything"

"I know that too.." , his voice started to break



"..You can't be fucking serious", you scoffed "After everything we've been through"

"Goodbye Y/N"

Tartaglia pulled his arm away from you, his silhouette shrinking as he slowly got farther and farther. You sat in the rain with your thoughts, unable to process the overflowing anger in your body as you could only hold your own knees. You hated him. You hated how he was with you at your worst. You hate how he was kind to you despite being enemies. You hated him for loving you.

You sobbed, screaming out all your hatred at the man that heard less of you each step he took forward. You felt your throat go hoarse, the area around you slowly freezing over because of your lack of self control. You wanted to kill him, torture him for leaving you with nothing. You wished he had never existed in the first place, that you never met him.

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