Chapter 1

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I slowly wake up and feel my head ringing. I look around and see that I'm on a patch of golden flowers.

Great. My backpack I brought somehow didn't fall with me.

I get up with a little struggle and look around and see a hallway and at the end of it was some gateway or door.

I walk and go through it and see a patch of grass and a flower with a... face?

Flowey: "Howdy! I'm FLOWEY. Flowey the Flower!"

Y/N: "Ok... Flowey?"

Flowey: "Hmmm... Well, you're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren'tcha?"

Flowey: "Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here!"

Flowey: "Well Ready? Here we go!"

I then see a red heart come out my body.

Flowey: "See that heart? That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!"

Flowey: "Your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV."

Flowey: "You're probably asking yourself, what's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course! You want some LOVE, don't you? Don't worry, I'll share some with you!"

I then see 5 white bullets and Flowey says,

Flowey: "Down here, LOVE is shared through little white "friendliness pellets."

I see then the pellets move towards me and I just let it touch me thinking it would do nothing but then,

Y/N: "AH! What the hell!"

I look down to where I see the pain and see my shirt stained with my own blood.

My vision starts to blur and I look up to Flowey's face and see it turn to a devious smile.

Flowey: "You idiot! In this world, it's KILL or BE killed."

I see pellets start surrounding me and I close my eyes and accepted my fate. Nothing. I feel nothing and open my eyes to see no pellets anywhere near me and see a fireball go towards Flowey and send him flying.

Why didn't Flowey start burning?

Well I've already seen a talking flower so might as well start forgetting basic logic.

I look over to where the fire ball came from and it was a goat person?

???: "What a terrible creature, hurting such a poor, innocent youth..."

I try to move away but after trying to get up the pain was to much and I failed.

???: "Ah, do not be afraid, my child."

I stopped struggling to get up and continued to listen to this person.

???: "I am Toriel caretaker of the RUINS"

Toriel: "You are the first human to come here in a long time."

Toriel: "Before we continue, my child please let me help you with what happend to you."

Toriel comes up to me and puts her paws to where the pellets had hit me and a green aura surrounds her paws.

Y/N: "Ow!"

Toriel: "Oh! I am sorry my child but please stand still this will only hurt for a few moments."

I stand still and endure it and after a few seconds I see the green aura slowly disperse and Toriel says,

Toriel: "Here, grab my hand."

I grab Toriel's hand and with a little struggle and get up.

Toriel: "So my child, how have you fallen into here?"

Y/N: "Well... I kind of tripped and fell while exploring Mt Ebott."

Toriel: "I see, well let me guide you through the ruins."

Y/N: "Alright Toriel!"

Me and Toriel then start going through the ruins but after a while though Toriel told me to wait for her to come back.

After waiting for her for what felt like hours I start to explore the Ruins. I then get a call from my new phone from Toriel and I answer. I then hear Toriel asking if I like Cinnamon or butterscotch and I told her I like them both equally.

After that though I encounter a few monsters and see a sad looking ghost named Napstablook and I cheer him up before he leaves and I kept exploring. As I explore I fall down a hole but thankfully leaves soften the fall and I see ribbon on the ground and put it on.

Y/N: "What the hell am I doing?!"

Before I was able to take it off though it starts glowing and before I knew it, the ribbon was gone.

I took out my soul and noticed it to be my normal red but with a cyan outline.

I didn't know what it meant but all I knew was that it had something to do with the ribbon.

After that, I continue exploring the ruins until I see a house and someone familiar walking out of it.

Frisk POV:

Frisk: "Owww I always hate the headache I get at the start of each reset."

I rub my head and I look around and I see someone next to me sleeping.

Frisk: "Chara?!"

Chara: "Let me sleep for a little longer..." she says this while swatting her hand at me.

Frisk: "But Chara! How are you even here?"

She slowly gets up while rubbing her eyes and her eyes widen,

Chara: "How am I here?! I guess this timelines been messed up from the resets so much somehow I'm back from the dead..?"

Frisk: "Alright Chara, you already know that reset was the final one. I want everyone to be happy."

Chara: "Alright Frisk I guess I'll be able to come along."

To clear up some things up Y/N is currently here in the ruins

To clear up some things up Y/N is currently here in the ruins

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While Frisk and Chara are at the golden flowers.

Also I have no idea how to do this type of stuff so if there's anything that I should probably change or a mistake in my writing that you could point out that would be really helpful!

I will try my best to upload weekly or even sooner than that if I think a chapter is ready to be published.

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