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T.W. - some mild alcohol usage

Breathe, breathe me in, taste my words
Let me blow your mind
I'll take you far, far away
I'll make you feel alright
You've gotta crave it and chase it
Song: Make You Feel by Alina Baraz and Galimatias

I sighed deeply as the Uber driver turned onto my street. I was starting to get one of those headaches you get when you stop drinking. The ones that mean you should either go to bed or keep drinking. I wasn't sure which one I wanted to do. All I wanted to do was forget about tonight and both seemed like viable options to help me do that. At least for the time being.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to find a bit of relief from the mild pain as the Uber driver pulled into my driveway. As he made his way down the long driveway, I spotted it immediately. Harry's white Tesla.

"Fuck!" I curse out loud, causing the driver to turn and look at me.

"Miss? Are you ok?" He said, his voice filled with concern. At least someone fucking cared about me tonight.

"Yes, sorry. I'm fine, thank you." I reassured him as he parked the car. I thanked him again before grabbing my purse and stepping out of the vehicle.

Slowly, I approached the Tesla. Peering in the window, I saw that Harry was not in the car which meant he was probably waiting at the guest house. I had given him the security code awhile back, a decision I was now thoroughly regretting. He must have left the hotel when I was saying bye to my friends and hightailed it over here.

God, the looks they gave me when I showed up at the table, purple bruises covering my neck and chest. I couldn't tell if they were excited for me to get laid or if they were concerned about my well-being. Either way, I played it off like Harry and I had started hooking up in the bathroom and now we were headed back to my place to finish. I was only halfway lying.

Deciding to just go through the gate, I walked around to the back, typing in the security code before entering the backyard. I had no idea what to say to him. I hadn't even begun to formulate a plan. I wasn't thinking I was going to see him tonight, especially after I told him I needed space. I wasn't sure if I should be pissed at him for not listening to my request or be happy that he ignored it.

Passing through the gate, I noticed him immediately. He was sitting on a patio chair near the guest house, his head in his hands. He didn't notice me come in so I watched him for a second. I couldn't see his face but I could tell that this was one of those sad moments he had occasionally. Only this time, I didn't feel so bad for him.

I made my way over, my chunky heels clacking on the pavement. The sound gave me away quickly and Harry's head shot up. Before I could say anything, he stood up and made his way over to me. I continued to walk past him, beelining to my door.

"What, Harry? Did you not get your fill of calling me a whore? Want to call me a stupid, fucking bitch too?" I barked angrily. I quickly typed my code into my door and walked into the cool, air-conditioned room, shutting the door behind me, not caring if it slammed in Harry's face.

It did.

"Princess, please. I'm sorry. I wouldn't ever call you that unless you wanted me to..." Harry said, pushing the door open and following me in, tripping lightly as he crossed the threshold. I could tell right away that he was still slightly drunk.

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