The Boy Who Lived?

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Percy POV
"Umm....explain?" I said hesitantly after a moment.

"A friend of mine called in a favor. She needs a few people to guard someone important. He can't know they're guarding him though. It needs to be on the down-low. That's where you come in." Chiron explained.

"This boy is 18. He's going to school this year, making up his 7th year. Headmistress McGonagall needs someone to look after him as he gets himself into trouble often."

"Headmistress? Repeating 7th year? Chiron, where is this school?" Annabeth asked. I could practically see the gears turning in my Wise Girl's head.

"Britain." Chiron said simply. "A school for magic."

"Like Hecate?" Hazel piped in.

"In a way. Many millennia ago, Hecate blessed a group of mortals with her magic. These mortals, or muggles, as your soon-to-be charge calls them, have reproduced and now span across Europe."

We stayed silent, thinking and looking at each other.

"So....why do we need to go to the British Magic School?" Leo queried. Yes I know what 'queried' means. I'm dating Annabeth, remember? I pick up things.

"Their worst enemy, Lord Voldemort-" several of us, me included, snickered at the name. "-is back, and is hunting for a way to get to our target."

Chiron quickly explained that this Voldy-Short guy had become so evil, he was sent to Tartarus when he died. Somehow, he'd found a way out, and was going after this kid again.

"Which brings us to you. I'll be sending you one by one, and Hecate will pick each of you up for transport and debrief you, explaining some things about the wizard culture. We do have an order..." Chiron glanced at the clock, something told me that the first person to leave would do so soon.

"The order we're going in is Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Thalia and Nico. You will each go a week apart from each other-"

"WHAT?!" I leapt to my feet.

"Chiron, you know Percy and I have nightmares when we're apart!" Annabeth exclaimed. Our mentor looked extremely pained.

"I know, Annabeth, Percy, and I am sorry. But Hecate is insisting. As I was saying, Percy is going first to get the wizards used to the 'weird American wizards' so they don't get spooked. This race has just finished a war as well and will not be happy to start a new one."

"Neither are we." Nico muttered under his breath, earning a reproving look from Hazel and a slap upside the head from Thalia.

"Ow! Thalia, you shocked me!" The son of Hades complained. Thalia just grinned at him.

"Chiron, when am I leaving?" I asked.

Chiron checked the clock again before answering.

"An hour. Hecate has packed your things by magic already, don't worry."

I nodded. This should be interesting.

"Hey, Chiron, what's this kid's name?" Jason asked suddenly. We all looked expectantly at the centaur. He seemed to search his memory for a second, then nodded to himself.

"The boy's name is Harry Potter."

[A/N UPDATE! Yay! Sorry, when I start a fanfic I tend to do it often to get the setting laid down. Is anyone actually reading this? Comment your godly parent if you are! Mine's Apollo!]

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