
24 3 0

December 26th, 2014

Sebastian pulled his jacket closer, hugging his stuffed dog tighter to his chest. His eyes felt heavy and dry from all the tears that had escaped despite his constant efforts to stop them, to stay strong like he had promised Isabella he would.

But he wasn't strong. He was terrified, and alone.

The cool metal of the seat pressed into his skin through his clothes, but he felt numb. The hallway was brightly lit, the voices from inside the office a background noise to his ears.

"He's a child, and he's been through enough," he heard his father's voice yell as the office door opened, his desperation and anger scaring Sebastian. "I can come in and confirm whatever you need. It doesn't need to be him!"

"Sir, it's standard procedure," a man wearing a black suit and dress pants said calmly as he stepped out. "He was present at the time of the encounter, and you said you've never met the male whose body was found. He needs to be the one to identify the bodies."

Those words sent a shiver down his spine, and he sunk lower into the seat, pulling the stuffed animal even closer as if it was his lifeline. Fresh tears sprung to his eyes as he realized what they wanted him to do.

Identify the bodies.

Those weren't bodies. It was his family, the people he loved.

"Then the procedure is bullshit!" his father said.

Dimly, Sebastian noticed it was the first time he had ever heard his father curse.

"Sir, it's standard..."

The rest of their conversation faded into the background, broken bits and pieces reaching his ears as he closed his eyes, his body shaking from the memories of last night. He couldn't see his family like that—his mother's lifeless frame, his sister, his stepfather.

They couldn't make him do that.

They couldn't... he couldn't...

He was jolted out of his thoughts by his father gently pulling him closer into a hug, causing him to drop the stuffed toy.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," he promised softly, wiping away the tears Sebastian hadn't even noticed had fallen.

It took him another moment to realize what had caused his father to look so worried. His body was shaking, and he couldn't stop. His chest hurt as if someone was squeezing his heart to the point where it bled.

"Ple-" he stopped as his voice cracked, clearing his throat. "Please don't," he whispered.

"Don't what, baby?" his father asked, his concerned eyes looking into Sebastian's.

"Don't let them..." he started, a small sniffle escaping his lips. "Let them make me identify them. I don't want to see them like-like that. Please."

A sob raked his small frame, making his father's features soften.

"I'm trying," he said softly, gently pushing back Sebastian's hair from his forehead. "But they need you to do it, Seb. I promise I'll be right there the entire time."

This time, Sebastian couldn't stop the sobs, his breathing becoming uneven and his vision blurring at the thought of having to witness the result of last night. Seeing them would make it real.

His father lifted him up, holding him like he was a baby, pulling his head onto his shoulder as he held him close. And Sebastian welcomed the comforting touch.

"Dog," he managed to say through his tears.

It took his father a second to realize what he meant. Bending over with his son still in his arms, he picked up the fallen animal, handing it to him.

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