" Thanks! Y/n, hop on! "

Crazy Diamond formed, and so did Shining Knight. Crazy Diamond grabbed Shining Knight's hand and pulled your stand towards the bike. You were pulled with your stand, and you held onto Josuke's shoulders. You settled yourself behind Josuke, and your stands disappeared. Behind you, bronze footsteps were running after you. They would lift off the ground and then slap the floor, following you and Josuke.

   " It's on the fifth floor, hurry up and take the elevator! " You heard Koichi yell.

Josuke crashed into the elevator, with the bike falling on the ground and Josuke falling in the elevator's corner. You landed on top of Josuke's lap, and your stand formed with its shield in front of you and Josuke, ready to block the oncoming feet. Crazy Diamond formed and shut the elevator doors. The bronze feet pounded on the door, trying to get in. The toes of the feet squeezed between the doors, and you stand continued to kneel in front of you and Josuke.

   " This is bad. "

You pressed the button for the fifth floor and hoped the elevator would move fast. 

   " It's coming in! "

Even though the elevator was moving, the feet still tried to pry their way in, but the feet quickly fell to the floor of the crack in the elevator.

It's Koichi! He's using Echoes Act3! You wrote.

The feet slowly slipped away, and Crazy Diamond left, leaving you and Josuke. Shining Knight also went away.

   " I really can count on you. Thank you so much, Koichi. "

Josuke stood up, and he helped you stand.

   " Sorry about bringing you into this. "

I was involved ever since Koichi told me that you were hurt. So if it affects you, I'm going to get involved; you're my boyfriend, after all.

Josuke smiled at your writing and kissed your forehead. When the doors opened, Josuke stumbled out of the elevator.

   " There it is! Room 525! "

Josuke started running towards the room, with you right behind him.

   " I've finally found you! "

However, nothing ever went right for Josuke in this sense. A foot pushed itself on Josuke's shoulder. It pressed against his shoulder, and you could see a dent in his shoulder. 

   " The vent! "

You looked up at the vent and saw bronze feet leaving the vent. You took your notebook and wrote quickly, throwing it at Josuke.

Go! Let me take care of it!

Shining Knight formed and held its shield up, protecting you and Josuke from the feet. You stand even pulled its sword out of its sheath, and started fighting the feet.

   " I love you, Y/n! "

Josuke started stumbling towards the room, and he looked like he was having trouble getting into the room. Shining Knight was swift as it defended itself against the feet. Your stand could handle it, and you were confident that Josuke could make it to the room. Josuke opened the door and collapsed onto the floor. His nutrients had been sucked out by the one foot that hit him, but he still made it to the room. You continued to fight the feet stand until the feet had stopped attacking, and they seemed to fade away. Your stand stopped fighting, and you walked into the hospital room. Josuke was standing in front of a busted window with three girls glaring at him. They ran out of the hospital room and down the hall. You walked towards Josuke and touched his arm. He looked down at you and smiled brightly.

   " I feel great, Y/n! "

Good, I guess? Let me clean up the blood from your face. 

You walked towards one of the tables in the room and found some bandages. You grabbed a towel and wiped the blood off of his face, and you wrapped the gauze bandages around him. Josuke was smiling the entire time. When you were finished patching Josuke, he leaned up and kissed your lips.

   " Thank you, Y/n. "

You smiled back at Josuke and nodded your head. You walked with Josuke out of the hospital and towards the Twin Forests Tunnel. There you found Rohan, lying on the side of the tunnel, looking completely drained. He was still alive, but his muscle was gone, and the skin on his cheeks had sunken in. His lips were chapped, and his eyes were closed. Crazy Diamond punched Rohan lightly, and his skin started to fill in, and his muscle came back. Rohan opened his eyes. Jotaro met you and Josuke at the tunnel and watched the process.

   " Josuke Higashikata. " Rohan's voice sounded the same, and he sat up, propping one of his arms on his knee.

   " Well, Rohan, a lot happened, but I--"

   " Why did you heal me? You're quite meddlesome. I would have rather died than to have gotten your help. I told you to run away, but you ran into the enemu's trap. You're such a dumbass. "

   " What? "

Josuke seemed to be shaking in anger, and you grew concerned as you stood beside Jotaro.

   " Let me make it clear. I owe you nothing. "

You placed your hand on Josuke's shoulder to try and calm him down a little. Josuke calmed down a little and stood up from the ground. Rohan stood up, and you felt Jotaro place his hand on your shoulder.

   " How have you been holding up? "

Fine. So far, I've not made a sound, but it's been hard, especially when a stand user is attacking you. 

   " You're doing good so far. Kepp it up. You went to check on Aya, today. How was she? "

She was still unconscious. I brought her flowers, but she wasn't responsive.

   " At least she's out of the battle. She won't be harmed anymore. "


   " Y/n, let's go get something to eat. " Rohan said, dusting himself off.

   " That's my line! " Josuke yelled.

   " Then, say it Higashikata! "

Josuke raised his fist, but you stepped in front of Rohan and raised your hands, shaking your head no. Josuke calmed down and took your hand in his. Together you went to Tonio's and ate dinner. Rohan went back to his home and continued looking through the pictures he took, of the people in Morioh, to find who Kira could be, while Jotaro went to see Mr. Joestar. And Koichi took his golden retriever on a walk.

I Will Protect You (Josuke x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن