The Past

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Third person pov:

It was the first day of the Hero commission where hawks was put with other kids. He was excited to make friends and be around kids his age. He's 14

Keigo pov:

"I can't wait to see everyone."
"Now now keigo calm down we can take you out of this program at anytime." Said a lady with the commission.
"I know I know but I just wait!" I said while shaking my wings.
"Come on now." The lady said while leading Keigo the the training room. It's was a big room with gray walls and floors and a high ceiling also with a rock climbing wall. I assumed we were going to be training with it. I looked around to see a line of kids so I went to the end of the line right when an Instructor walked in.
"Good morning kids,today is the first day of training so now everyone state your name so we can get on with it." 
I'm pretty sure this guy name is Rockton but I'm not sure. I've seen him around the building before I've never met him. Just then a girl with black hair and brown eyes with one green finger started talking.
"My name is guru assuei" then a guy started talk.
"I'm diukri hato" he had gray short hair with an undercut and dark blue eyes. He seemed to hate everything. Then a girl with pink hair that seems to stand on its own said there name was Spare Cotto. She was looking at me the whole time. Weird. I looked next to me to see a guy with red hair slightly turning white at the roots start speaking.
"The name is touya todoroki."
I got lost in he's blue eyes but then I realize it was my turn to talk.
"My name Keigo tamaki" I said kinda slow as I was trying to look away from the kid named touya eyes. I think he noticed but he didn't say anything.
"Alright let training begin."

A/N If your read this story then thank I'm trying this for the first time and I hope I doing good.

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