3~ Shopping with a cat and cuddles

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Percy POV

Percy groaned, he had woken up an hour after breakfast but it didn't matter as he wasn't feeling hungry anyway. He was glad to see that Apollo hasn't returned and he felt thankful- the last thing he needed right now is a confrontation. Although, glancing at the door, he does need to fix his door still. Due to yesterdays events of running away from an almost-all-powerful god, his door got punctured quite a bit. By special golden arrows that belonged to Apollo himself. Percy's keeping those, if Apollo wants them back then he's gonna have to come down here and get them himself. It's not exactly common to escape from the sun god so Percy can always use that as blackmail. His poor door.

He stumbled up from his bed and winced. Why did he have to fall asleep in jeans? Jeans that are too tight as they already are. Looks like he's going shopping today. He is not dealing with this all day.

But for that he needed to gain permission to leave from Chiron- he'd prefer not to deal with Mr D, he's most likely been told what happened between Percy and Apollo last night by now. So he does not need him making any dry comments.

Sighing, I fixed my hair (as much as I could) put on a new shirt, shoes and left my cabin to head over to the big house. Curse my tiredness, everyone I passed gave me a funny look once they noticed I had a limp. The more Hermes kids I passed, the more sure I was that everyone would be hearing a new rumor about me soon and pairing that with Apollo trying to get in my cabin; I would never hear the end of it. 

As I arrived at the porch, I saw that Chiron and Mr D were both there playing pinochle as usual. Also curse my luck (I seemed to have none), Mr D was the first to notice me. He looked me up and down and whistled, "Damn, Percival, who got into your pants?"

My face heated up from embarrassment. "Sir it's Percy, please. And no-one got into my pants, why would yo- Never mind, don't say anything." I stopped myself as I realized who he was hinting at. Mr D just rolled his eyes and looked down at his cards. "Anyways, that's not what I came here for. I came because I wanted permission to leave camp, I need new clothes. I fell asleep in these jeans by accident, not whatever you thought happened. Besides, I found something out and I need time to think about it." Then as an afterthought I added under my breath, "And I may need to hide from Apollo."

Judging from the smirk on Mr D's face I think he heard the last part, but then his face went under the usual indifferent mask and he rose an eyebrow. "Are you asking for a break, Parker? Do you know how hard it is to find decent sword fighters that can teach?" 

I gave him a pointed luck and I rolled my eyes, "Unless you want your future fighters to look like they're swinging a baseball bat I suggest you give me a day off."

"Am I hearing things or is that a threat, Priscilla?"

"How is that even- Nevermind. It's not a threat, it's a fact. I just need new clothes, get Nico to teach or something."

"Fine. Be that way. Nico will teach today." He grumbled and I nodded my head in thanks, then to Chiron who was watching our exchange in amusement. I walked off towards the border but just about heard Chiron declare something about winning.. again. And then the frustrated sigh from the resident wine god.


I deflated, I really didn't want to have to interact with too many people  today but I guess it's important. I put on a confident face and entered the mall. It's not his fault mall people are so, everywhere.

Percy just hated unfamiliar people. He especially hated the fact that a god could be disguised in their midst, ready to torment him. 

I looked for the nearest clothes shop and was about to enter when I heard a familiar squeal. Oh no. Every camper is familiar with a squeal like that. Every time something even remotely cute happened, the nearest Aphrodite camper (except for Piper) would let out a high pitched squeal. But the unfortunate few who have been in the presence of gods too much have definitely heard the real deal coming from Aphrodite herself.

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