"oh right, i almost forgot. thanks robbie rotten." nora pats him on the shoulder. "you, rodrick, come with me." she stick her hands to the railings and skates as i followed, approaching towards the employees' locker room. "i'm gonna need you to find a bag filled with stickers somewhere in robin's counter."

"can't robin do that for you?"

"he doesn't really like to find things so i don't want to burden him. besides, he's busy chit-chatting with sofia over there." she gestures to the three laughing as robbie entertained them with silly puns. "i'm just gonna...quickly change my clothes." she skates towards her locker while i walked the other way towards the counter, searching for the stickers.

"what does the bag look like?" i ask, looking around the place as i waited for an answer.

"it's a shopping bag from hot topic, probably on or underneath the counter." she replies.

"bingo..." i whisper as i spot the bag nora was referring to, which was on robin's counter hidden. picking it up, i walked towards the locker room seeing nora applying dark lipstick on her lips with her hair down, already dressed in comfortable clothes. "well that was fast, i didn't expect you could change clothes that fast."

nora scoffs. "you're talking to a former theater kid who played little red riding hood in middle school." she laughs, pulling down the sleeves of her green sweater. "i thought it was useful to learn how to dress up quickly since you'll never know when to dress up in your future performances y'know?"

"is this the one you're looking for?" i ask as i was about to hand over the bag.

"yeah, you could just hold it for a moment. i just need to...take this shoe off–cRAP!" she slips on the floor once more with her butt first. "goddamnit my shoes aren't treating me well today, i'm being a klutz." she shakes her head.

"a-are you okay? do you need help? here, i'll just help you take off your shoes." i drop the bag down as i sat down on the floor, scooting towards nora which made her scoot farther.

"dude no, i'm fine by myself. i'm a strong, confident, independent woman. i can do this by mysel–"

"oh my god nora just let me help you, i'm trying to prove that i've changed for what i've done to you last time." i insist, making her sigh in defeat.

"but you already did," she says as i tried untying her shoelaces.

"it's really not just the skating incident, i'm also sorry about the time i ruined your lemonade stand back in middle school." i add as i moved to the other shoe.

nora snickers. "since when did the so-called bad boy of crossland decide to have a change of heart?"

"ever since i started hanging out with you more, that's for sure." i laugh as i pulled both of her shoes off.

"then i guess i should start hanging out with you less." she jokes. both of us stood up as i held her shoes.

"now you're just as shorter as i am now," i tease, making her take the shoes out of my hands and stick out her tongue like a kindergartner.

"i hate you sometimes, you know that?" she shakes her head which made me laugh. after wearing a pair of converse shoes, she shoves her skates inside her bag then head outside. "come on heffley, i still have to greet the kids."

as the both of us got out of the locker room, nora fixes her hair then approach her students with a pile of childish stickers.

"hi guys! all of you did a great job today and i'm so proud of all of you." a big smile appeared on her face as she crouches down to them. "since all of you did such a good job, i bought a gift."

𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐋 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋! | rodrick heffley/devon bostickWhere stories live. Discover now