"Anyways, she's a makeup artist for the company and some info got out that shouldn't have. We narrowed the options to her and a blog we believe she runs. We think she has another one because our flight info was leaked and the other blog is clean. I need you to work your magic and dig up all you can on this girl," Luna says.

"She's Korean right? That's gonna be a little tricky, but I love a challenge. Send me that blog and everything you know about her," Jeanie says, crossing her arm.

"I'll have Lo send it to you. Text me later and we'll talk numbers," Luna says and Jeanie nods.

The three women talk until the food is ready and Luna could no longer ignore the churning in her stomach. She'd rest easy today knowing something was being done when it came to that brat, Chae-Yeong for what's done in the dark will surely come to light eventually.


"Can't sleep?" Luna asks Tae, who was cuddling her in bed with his head on her chest.

Jimin was facing away from them, sprawled out on the other side of the bed sleeping with his mouth ajar and soft snores escaping his lips.

"No, I think I slept too long today. Im actually getting kind of hungry," he says, looking up at her.

"Me too, but I don't want to cook. Food run?" she asks and he nods.

"Is Panda Express still open?" he asks and she picks her phone up off the nightstand to check the time.

"If we leave now, we can catch them. They close in an hour," she says, slipping some slippers on her feet.

"You're not getting dressed?" he asks and she shakes her head.

"Nope," she grins, enjoying the comfort of her T-shirt and sleep shorts.

He shrugs and slips on some slides, dressed similarly in a T-shirt and gym shorts with a headband holding his hair back off his face.

"We should see if anyone else wants anything," she says, softly closing the door behind them so they wouldn't wake Jimin up.

Hobi's room door was open and the light was off he wasn't in his room and once they got to Jin and JK's room, they could hear the entanglement of snoring inside, both men definitely worn out and fast asleep.

Once they got downstairs, Hobi and Joon were knocked out on the couch together, Joon's head in Hobi's lap.

"I've got to get a picture of this," Tae says, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

Luna went to go check Yoongi's room since the light was on and knocked lightly, going inside when he called for her to come in.

"What are you doing up kitten?" he asks, looking up from the notebook that was pressed against his knees.

"Tae and I couldn't sleep and we're both hungry so we're gonna do a food run. You want anything?" she asks and he shakes his head.

"No, but be safe," he says and she nods, getting ready to leave.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asks and she turns to face him again, confused.

He taps his cheek and she smiles, crawling up on his bed to kiss his cheek and then his lips, butterflies swarming in her tummy despite the short interaction. He closes his eyes and nods, holding his hand to his cheek as if he was savoring it. Tae creeps in while his eyes are closed and kisses his other cheek, making him jump.

"Yah, you scared the shit out of me," Yoongi squints, making them laugh.

"TaeTae the ninja strikes again," Luna grins, getting up off the bed.

Luna II(A BTS Soulmate AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt