3: "All You Know-"

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Phil sat in his rocking chair, Sally and Wilbur on the sofa. Techno stood by the hallway door frame, arms crossed and leaning against the wall. Kristen was in the kitchen, boiling the kettle for tea to help soothe the atmosphere.

All was silent before Kristen came into the living room, setting the tea mugs in front of everyone, handing Techno his as he stood still by the door.

"I would like to start by saying that I do not blame you, Techno." Kristen stated, sitting in her chair- which was beside her husbands. "But I would like to know what happened that resulted in my son in this state."

It was said without hostility, but the message was still there. If Techno had deliberately brought Tommy to the heat of battle to face this, he would be doomed for the lowest level of hell- that is, if he already hasn't earned it. Techno thought of how to phrase his words, taking a sip of his hot tea.

"Gods." it seemed to be all he said recently, his eyes focused on the small bubbles in his tea mug. "They came out of the bushes, they weren't even trying to hide themselves. They mostly went after me, but then the mage went after Tommy."

"And why does Tommy have a gash along his shoulder and back?" Kristen continued, the only one who could keep Techno in line when talking about subjects like this.

"Axe." he responded, taking a deep breath. "Dream's general."

"How many were there?" Wilbur asked, his previous accusing tone now understanding.

"Three, but only two left." Techno replied, eyes still focused on his tea, bubbles having popped.

It was silent, until Wilbur spoke up once again.

"What do you think they'll do?" it wasn't directed at anyone in particular, yet Techno felt it was more aimed at his father.

Wilbur knew the answer, yet he left the question to hang. He hoped his keeping silent would change the fate destined to come, he hoped his keeping silent wouldn't allow the situation to be real. He hoped he would wake up any second, his baby brother okay, only with that one mark on his cheek, or none at all.

"War." the Blood god said, the silence having dragged too long.

Techno was only spitting nonsense, it seemed to Wilbur. One word sentences, no one knowing if he'd go into detail once more or keep it at that.

"You mean-" the brunet was cut off.

"Yes, Wilbur. I mean an all out attack from the green army on our family." Techno spoke, slight stress and anger in his tone. "The Green General seemed to care for the mage, as did his other companion."

"They're Gods, for heaven's sake. They couldn't have possibly cared for him that much." Wilbur rolled his eyes, seeming to Techno as though this was a joke to him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Techno asked, eyes pinned now on the other, knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from the middle aged man.

"You have no emotion, you only know kill, fight and anger. You're a God, and we all know that Gods aren't capable of enough emotion to care." Wilbur hissed at the naturally pink haired man, venom in his voice.

"You know full well that isn't true." Techno spat, brows furrowed, his knuckles white from his tight grasp on his tea mug- Phil wasn't an ignorant, selfish, murdering God, he was far from it. "You just want to pin Tommy's injuries on me."

"Boys, that's enough." Kristen spoke up, trying to dismiss the situation before it got out of hand.

"Then why is he bedridden? Why will they come and attack us? You were the one who killed that mage boy, you are the one who's gotten us into this mess." Wilbur ignored the words of his mother, fury boiling in his stomach.

"If I hadn't killed that mage, then Gods knows what would have happened to Tommy. He was taking blows, one after the other." Techno's voice raised ever so slightly, eyes reflecting that of anger, though his face remained blank.

"And that's your fault for taking him out to the field." Wilbur hissed, just below a yell.

"He's not a baby, he can handle himself fine enough." Techno retorted.

"He is a baby, he's only sixteen for Gods sake!" Wilbur now shouted, his right hand motioning towards the direction of Tommy's room.

"Enough." Phil spoke loudly, standing from his chair.

Now it was serious.

"One of you, go take a walk."

Techno set his tea mug on the table, turning and leaving the house once he'd gotten his cloak buttoned. He had his weapons with him, planning to take his anger out while hunting or gathering firewood.

Wilbur flopped onto the couch, arms crossed and brows furrowed. For being 36, he still acted quite like a kid sometimes.

"Wilbur, you know it wasn't Techno's fault." Phil spoke, his tone softer than previous.

"How else would this have happened if it wasn't his fault!?" Wilbur's eyes darted to his father, his anger still on high heat.

"Wilbur, I need you to calm down." Phil spoke once again, eyes now stern.

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