Vouge America with HANNY

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Vouge America with HANNY

[Vouge with HANNY]

Current mood? Why?
I'm craving for some Teokbokki. Because I always crave for something spicy at night.

It's your last supper. What are you eating?
My last supper...? Oh my gosh. I've been really craving for some meat pie.

Name a song you know all the lyrics to?
I know all the lyrics to Leona Lewis' Bleeding Love. I can sing that like all day, everyday, but only in the shower.

What's makes you laugh?
You know I'm personally easy to laugh. My managers? Everything they do always put me in laugh even when they are serious.

What makes you cry?
Have you even heard that I'm a crybaby too? Yeah, I admit it. A lot of things make me cry especially these day with pandemic, I cannot see my fans. Also when I eat something really, really good. I cry over it. A lot actually.

Most used emoji?
Oh? Recently I've been using that like that one sticking it's tongue out (😝) and the pleading one. You know with pure shining eyes (🥺).

What is the most American thing about you?
The most American thing about me... Maybe the way I take a breakfast. The greasy hotdogs, pancake, scrambled eggs, toasted and coffee. Generally food!

Given the choice of anyone in the world who would you want as a dinner guest?
My dog Teddy. I would to eat with him. Across the table.

What would you like to say to the BLUEMINGs watching this?
Hi, BLUEMINGs, I'm really excited for you guys to see my Vouge America cover shoot. I can't wait to see you guys all and love you.


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