Chapter 42

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Harper's dad was sure he was breaking every speed violation in the book as he sped along. If they didn't make any stops they might just make it there in time before it shuts.

"This is going to work right? Like it has to? You got what it said? It's going to work?" Betsy had begun spiralling in the backseat as panic set in that it wouldn't work.

Harper kept her gaze glued to the photo she was holding in her lap.

Harper's dad kept his gaze focused on the road and occasionally making sure there was no police cars following them.

"Like this is going to work! It's definitely going to work!" Betsy's panicked voice remained the only noise in the car.

Neither Harper nor her dad paid any attention to Betsy's panicking as they were focusing on their own situations.

Harper refused to take her eyes off the photo.

Harper's dad refused to take his eyes off the road.

Yet Betsy continued to panic.

The sun on the day finally began to get lower and lower and they got closer and closer.

Harper only pulled her eyes from the photo when her dad finally came to a stop. She practically flung herself out the car, followed by her dad and Betsy.

She burst through the door as the bartender was attempting to lock it.

"Hey! It's closing time!" He shouted as the three barged in.

"Please! We just need the loo!" Harper pleaded as the man's face changed.

"Bloody hell it's you." He mumbled.

Harper's memory clicked, this was the bartender her and Betsy had first met and she'd borrowed his phone to ring her dad.

"Please just let them use the loo, they're desperate." Harper's dad almost begged the bartender.

The bartender sighed before nodding as he waved his arm towards the bathroom. Betsy quickly began making her way there as Harper turned to her dad.

"Go." He mouthed with a smile as he felt his own heart ache, never did he think he'd have to do this goodbye again.

Harper nodded slowly as she smiled weakly at him. Turning she quickly hurried to the bathroom door but stopped and turned back to her dad.

"I love you." She mouthed in silence as she saw him smile and place a hand on his chest.

He gave her a weak nod as she grinned at him before blowing him one final kiss and disappearing behind the door.

"Come on come on come on!" Betsy said over and over, excited and nervous all at the same time.

"Okay okay! Stop yelling at me cock knocker!" Harper snapped back as she brought out the pen, that had been tucked into her bra.

She pushed the signed photo of Ace against the wall as the light flickered above them.

"That's a good thing right?" Betsy asked as she cautiously looked up.

Harper looked up and nodded. "Seems it to me." She mumbled as she used her teeth to take off the pen lid and spat it out.

"Ew." Betsy mumbled as Harper ignored her and began pushing the pen and the picture down as hard as she could.

Betsy squealed as the light above them continued to flicker.

She grabbed hold of Harper and squeezed so tight Harper was surprised she could still breathe.




Blackness took over.

Harper and Betsy slowly opened their eyes and looked around. The walls of the bathroom had significantly less graffiti as Betsy helped Harper up. They brushed each other down as Harper quickly flew out the bathroom door, followed by Betsy of course.

A huge smile appeared on both of their faces as they saw an asleep Eyeball Chambers slumped in a chair, head and arms on the table as the bartender was attempting to wake him up.

"Chambers! It's closing time!" The bartender shouted as he tried shaking him.

Betsy nudged Harper slightly and smiled. Harper grinned back at her before quickly walking over.

"Let me." She mumbled.

The bartender grumbled as he stormed off towards the bar.

Harper ignored him as she focused on the sleeping Chambers. She slowly reached her hand out and gently ran her fingers through his hair, he stirred slightly as she rested her hand on his cheek, gently stroking him with her thumb.

"Eyeball..." she whispered softly as she leant down to him.

Her hand remained softly stroking his cheek as he stirred again.

"Eyeball wake up." She whispered again.

Eyeball slowly grumbled as he shuffled about. His eyes opened as he felt a soft hand gently stroking his cheek.

"Harps..." he grumbled as he saw what he thought was here through blurred eyes.

He saw the girl smile down at me.

"It's me Eyeball."

Eyeball grumbled as he shook his head. "I'm drunk... or dreaming... or both." He groaned once more.

Yet as he felt the soft hand gently stroke his cheek and fiddle with his hair, he continued to try focusing on her. The harder he tried the more she came into focus.

The smile stayed on Harper's face as she watched Eyeball become more and more conscious.

"Harper?" He whispered softly as she didn't realise her smile could grow any bigger.

"I'm home Eyeball." She whispered.

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