Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Felix Kjelburg

A bright white ceiling greets me as my eyes open.

"Stephano! It worked!" I hear Pewdie shout, as I imagine he's running around the room. I sit up from the bed I have been placed in, and outstretch my hand. My golden skin lies before me, with my golden clothes.

I study my hands for a while. I've seen Pewdie's, but never my own. I look around at my arms and legs, and my belt. Where my sword should be.

"My sword's gone," I say quietly. I never would've thought I would have a French accent, but I've heard I am French. I stand up, and look at Pewdie. His bright blue eyes look back at me.

"I'm sure it's here somewhere," Pewdie replies merrily. I nod, but continue to search for my sword. It must be here somewhere.

After a while, with no luck, I hear some stirring. I lift my head up to see Mr. Chair for the first time. He lifts his head, and Pewdie goes over to hug him.

Mr. Chair looks at me, and I glance back. His brown hair covers his face, and he wears glasses, with a green beret and vest. Under his vest he wears a beige dress shirt, with brown trousers. He looks to be very knew to having the slightest thought he was human.

I continue to search for my sword. It is nowhere to be found. I check the bed I was in, along with Pewdie's. Sitting back on my bed, I sigh.

"No luck?" Pewdie asks. I shake my head, then stand up again. I look around me. This room is only big enough for three beds and a chair. There is one exit over in the corner.

"Something seems wrong about this, Pewds," I say, walking towards him. I notice that Pewdie is somewhat shorter than me.

"What do you mean?" he replies, looking up at my face. I think for a second, and glance at the door.

I notice something. Pewdie looks at me strangely as I ignore his question, walking over to the door. I grab the handle and push the door open, showing the darkness that lies beyond us.

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