Chapter Two

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A year later.

"(Name) has been eating the grapes I've been leaving to dry!"

Wahid's voice ringed loudly in the hallways, the said culprit was seen running with mouthful of grapes and some stashes in her arms.

It seems the male has finally figured out who's stealing his grapes from the backyard after 3 days....consecutively.

Ugo heard the commotion from his room and can only face palm in disbelief, it's early in the morning and she's already causing trouble.

The said female was seen jumping around fences and plants, arms occupied with grapes falling at her wake,

"(Name)! Get back here with my grapes!" Wahid cried out attempting to catch the fast and nimble foot work of the smaller culprit.

"You have plenty of fruits aside from grapes, Wahid! Give these to me already!" She mused out, laugh bubbling from her throat as she jump up towards a nearby roof.

The said male can only stared at her in disbelief, gasping to catch his breathe, the smaller female grinned teasingly at the poor man before plopping a grape inside her mouth for good measure.

"Just as Falan said, you're getting in bad shape Wahid, time to hit the streets and work out every morningㅡ"

"AAAAAAAAAA (NAME)!" Wahid screams cut her off, he was red with both embarassment and anger "I'll steal your precious rock collection, I dare you." He threatens.

She fake a gasp, "Not my rock collections!"

This earned her a smug grin from Wahid, "See? Now gimme' back my grapes and I wouldn't touch your stinky rock collections!"

"Is it a deal?" She asks, seemingly curious.

"A deal!"

"Denied! It wasn't as if you knew where I hid them anyway!" She cried out, before she jumps up again, finally out of his sight.

Wahid's screams of frustration shakes the whole vicinity that morning.

"It seems that kid was at it again..." Arba laughs lightly before taking a sip from her tea, hearing Wahid's screams of frustration not from a far was a comical sight to behold. The now 16 year old (Name) has grown to be a beautiful young lady, as she often points out.

The blue haired magician accompanying her was sat by the window nook, occupied with his book. Seemingly unaware of anything else in the world, as the black ink-filled pages lull his mind in deep concentrations.

"Solomon!" The door almost fell right off its hinges, as the culprit made herself known,

"I got you some grapes!"

"I swear to Il Illah, (name)" The said man closed his book in defeat, closing his eyes to calm himself down. He can't even read books peacefully every time the female was around.

"Are those Wahid's grapes?" Arba asked although knowing the answer already.

"What?" She innocently ask, "No!" She denied, pulling the stashes of grapes closer to her chest, the black haired magician smiled knowingly, she stood up and head towards the door.

"I need to fix something for the time being, please feel free to accompany our leader for a while." She said, giving the younger one a small pat on the head before finally closing the door from behind.

Silence ensued.

"Well, you're in luck, for I shall babysit you for today!" She sat down, and made herself comfortable on the plush chair, before setting down the grapes on the empty fruit platter.

"Weren't you supposed to be on guard duty today with Ithnan and Setta?" The male asks,

"Who?" She asked, a grape mid-way to her awaiting mouth

Solomon watched her with disinterest, before sighing. He stood up from his comfortable position, being a male and older than her by two years had its advantages.

He stop in front of her sitting figure, a look of amusement present in his eyes as he carefully eyed the grape clutch between her thumb and index finger. He leaned down, slowlyㅡbefore finally taking it with his mouth.

The younger female was speechless, confusement and betrayal written across her face much to Solomon's dismay.


Arba came back that night after her mission, a smaller figure trailing from behind, her pink hair was unruly, and a look of anger seemingly permanent upon her small face.

"This will be your room. I can't wait for you to meet all the other members of resistance, Sheba." Arba smiled, leading her inside her new room.

"Makes yourself feel at home."

Arba made her way back to her young master's quarters in order to report her mission, only to hear distant commotion coming from the inside.

"Well you never seem to take anything seriously."

"Why, do I have to?"

"You have to."

"It doesn't mean I always have to!" The female retorted back,

"You're hopeless." Solomon's sighs was heard, a tinge of what seemed to be amusement can be heard in his voice,

Arba slowly knocked and open the door to let herself known, "I'm here to report."

(Name) stood up ready to give them privacy when Solomon gave her a confused look,
"Where are you going?"

"Giving you both privacy?"

Solomon eyed her face for a moment before he shook his head dismisively, "Suit yourself."

And with that the female excused herself, and finds her way out of the room.

On the way back to her quarters, she slowly pondered her days within the Resistance. It's been a year, and they're all nothing but kind, understanding and generous. She doesn't deserve such love and acceptance all at once.

She felt at home indeed.

Although she's technically a part of the Resistance. She couldn't find her place within it.

Aside from cleaning the base, cooking, and doing laundry with Falan and Setta, she's pretty much....useless.

She never find her place within the Resistance no matter how much the members insist she does.

She's no magician, she doesn't even know martial arts, or wield any weapon in general.

Aside from her ability to tell the future that she herself decided to push behind, she was nothing but an empty shell the Resistance took pity of.

Don't get her wrong, she is extremely grateful for their kind words of appreciation, but it just seems unfair that all she ever does was the least of their concerns.

"Oh shuck.." she stopped mid way across the hallways

"My grapes!"

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