Ep. 3 "Make out with me.."

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"Bona, I want you to keep an eye to Ms. Choi, sometimes when she doesn't get what she want she becomes stubborn.." Manager Park said.

"Why me?" Bona asks, "She likes you so she'll obey... I mean you caught her attention..." Manager Park replied and left because of her wife.

Bona arrived at the bar, saw Y/N walked inside. There were many people around, then the guard tried to block her from entering, "How old are you?", "I'm 23 years old, here's my ID.

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"Ms. Choi, where are you?" Bona looked around while looking for her boss, she was following Y/N through the night because Manager Park asked her to do so. She saw Y/N but was afraid to approach her when a guy hit on her and offered her drinks. She accepts it thinking it would be no harm but the guy sneaked in Viagra on it, thinking he might make way with Bona. 

"Woo! Party!" Bona  immediately turned to a different person, she began to dance crazily. The guy who gave her the drink is watching her, waiting for her to be so high.

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The guy was about to approach Bona but Y/N came and stopped him from doing so, "Who are you?" he asked, "Choi Y/N.. do you have a problem?" the latter asks, the guy back away. Y/N took Bona and brought her to an expensive hotel, she was being so clingy and flirty to Y/N. With their bodies touching each other, Y/N started to felt warm as Bona is wearing a see-through shirt.

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"It's all yours if you want me..." Bona seductively said, Y/N giggles "Not now, my love.. you're not okay... you need to sleep...".

"Make out with me..." Bona sits on Y/N's lap and started to grind on it, Y/N caresses her hair, tuck it behind her ears and gave her a forehead kiss.

"We'll get there. But I want it to happen when you're not like this.. I want you to remember everything about it..." Y/N smirks, Bona's hugging her and fell asleep on her shoulder.

Y/N picked her up and fixed her position on the bed, she changed her clothes. Wipes off Bona's makeup, seeing her bare-face, the latter finds it cute so she took a photo. She's also tired so she lay down beside Bona.

My Secretary // BONA x Fem! ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora