in the teapot

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so im actually kinda in love with the trope of person A gets hurt and then person B just like heals them bc like omg the love and affection i cantsa fhiewa3gmeg



LUMINE RAN HER thumbnail across her bottom lip. She took in a shaky breath as the wind swept across the peaks, littering pale orange leaves throughout the air.

Paimon floated next to Lumine, eyebrows creasing at her friend's worry. "Paimon doesn't think you should be so concerned."

Lumine shot her traveling companion a glare and sighed. "I know, I'm probably overthinking things, I just-"

"Paimon knows. You can't help but worry about him." The little fairy folded her arms across her chest. "But that stupid yaksha is immortal! He'll be fine!"

Grumbling, Lumine paced back and forth in front of her mansion's door. Her heels clacked on the cobblestone.

"He. Is. Fine!" Paimon said at last, rubbing Lumine's shoulder in a final attempt to get her to see sense. "Xiao's probably just running late with monster-fighting, that's all!"

Lumine sighed and nodded. "Alright, alright . . . ."

"Hmph," was her traveling companion's only reply.

"Don't give me that," Lumine snorted indignantly. "I've every right to be scared when Xiao's . . . as reckless as he is."

"Paimon still can't see how you're so worried about it," Paimon said stiffly. "Anyway, come inside, I need you to make me food!"

Lumine couldn't help rolling her eyes and grinning. "Fine, fine," she muttered.

Paimon clapped her hands with joy and flung open the door. "Come on, silly! I'm hungry."

Lumine sighed and started inside, throwing a final look over her shoulder at the glowing yellow waypoint situated just in front of her house. "Oh, Xiao . . . please be okay."

He was, in fact, not okay.

It was half past midnight when Xiao stumbled into Wangshu Inn, clutching his polearm. He gave a few meek steps, and then fell to the ground, letting out a groan of pain.

His eyes glazed over, and he struggled to stay conscious. The pain had never been this bad. His endless karmic debt had never taken a toll on him like this. Every step was pain, every movement a stab to his stomach.

Xiao called out Verr Goldet's name hoarsely, then moved on to Huai'an's, even Yanxiao's, the grumpy old chef who'd worked at the inn for many years.

His vision blurred and a wave of nausea swept over him. He groaned again, shaking his head gently to clear it. The line between consciousness and unconsciousness seemed to blur just then, and Xiao forced himself over to a wall. He leaned on it precariously, closed his eyes, and took a few shaky breaths.

His hand fell to his leg, only to be brought up to his face again, covered in blood. Only then did the golden-eyed adeptus realize how much he was bleeding. He gripped the cut on his leg, his other hand covering an injury in his side. A gentle tinkling sounded from his pocket. With a shaking hand, he reached into it and pulled out a small golden charm, a blue tassel chained to the top, stained with crimson blood.

His mind instantly flashed to the Traveler. This was her realm dispatch. She'd given it to him, ensuring him that if he ever needed it, he could come to her there. Xiao held the charm, tracing the teapot logo imprinted on its surface with a light finger.

I can't go to her, Xiao told himself, gritting his teeth and sucking in a breath as another wave of pain rolled over him. She can't see me like this . . . what would she think of me?

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