lantern rite (2.4 edition)

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"So, Lumine, what do you think?" Keqing spun around and smiled. Her face was flushed, and her eyes glowed brightly. "I had this outfit made from Inazuman materials."

Lumine laughed and grinned back. "It's beautiful. You look amazing in it, as per usual."

"Oh, shut up," Keqing scoffed, punching Lumine gently on the arm.

"I'm serious! You look gre-"

"Wait, shh you two!" Yun Jin ran to the edge of the Jade Chamber, dragging Xinyan behind her. "The fireworks are starting!" The two girls sat down, legs dangling precariously off the edge, hands interlocked.

Lumine couldn't help smiling as Beidou and Ningguang came up on her left, desperately trying to hide their blushes from the younger girls.

Keqing smirked and glanced at Lumine, who returned the look.

Suddenly a firework blasted off from the harbor, shooting up into the sky and exploding into a bout of golden flames. This was then followed by beautiful purple stars, elegant orange birds, and bursting red sparkles.

Lumine gazed out in amazement at the fireworks, but something was missing. Or, rather, someone. A certain adeptus came to mind, someone who deserved to see this beautiful show more than anyone.


Lumine felt conflicted. She knew that it was late notice, but she still wanted him to be here with her, still wanted him to feel every bit of the freedom and elation she was.

However, she knew how tempremental he was about these things. Lumine was aware that Xiao hated being around mortals, not out of hatred for them, but rather fear of him losing control and slaughtering them as he did so many demons and monsters by night.

She bit her lip and gazed up at the fireworks, which explosive pace had died down to a rythmic shoot into the sky. Phooow. Boom. On and on they went until they came to a stop.

Jin and Xinyan cheered, and Beidou and Ningguang applauded.

"That was amazing!" Xinyan cried.

Keqing turned to everyone and smiled. "That was just the beginning! When the lanterns go up, we have a whole other round!"

Paimon whooped and clapped her hands. "Paimon's so excited!"

"Hey, Blondie," Beidou called. "What did you think?"

"They were great," Lumine answered half-heartedly.

"Traveler, are you alright?" Ningguang asked, noticing her downtrodden attitude.

Lumine gave a quick nod. "Yes, I'm sorry, I was just thinking." Turning to Keqing, she added, "They were beautiful, Lady Keqing."

The Yuheng gave a little curtsy and smiled. "I'm so glad you all liked them. Now, please, Ms. Yun has a performance for us."

Everyone followed Keqing over to the stage, set up around the courtyard of the Jade Chamber, but Lumine stayed back. Beidou noticed and quickly hurried back to check on her.

"Everything good?" the Crux captain queried.

"Yeah," Lumine sighed. "I just . . . need to find a friend."

Beidou raised an eyebrow but said nothing. She nodded and strolled back over to Ningguang's side. Lumine smiled a bit, knowing that Beidou would pass along her reason for absence. Closing her eyes, Lumine channeled all her energy and whisked away into the night air.


Landing lightly on the deck of Wangshu Inn, Lumine heard racous laughter and cheers coming from the top floor. She grinned and climbed the stairs, finding the Wangshu Inn staff all crowded around a small table.

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