his majesty of liyue

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okok i know this isnt perfect and its not my favorite thing ive ever written but just hear me out on royal xiao <33

EVERYONE WANTED HIS hand. He was the prince, after all. If you married him, he'd provide you with all the riches one could desire. If you wanted twelve golden elephants decorating your room, he would be able to afford it. If you wanted the most bejeweled necklace in all the land, he would provide it for you with the money in his back pocket. If you dared ask for the largest castle the likes of which you'd never seen, he could give it to you.

This was the life of Prince Xiao, son of King Morax and Queen Guizhong. He was the son of the richest monarchs Teyvat had ever seen, next heir to the throne of Liyue. His life was made for him -- riches, knowledge, travels galore.

But he wanted none of it.

For years, men, women, and every subject in between would travel the hills and seas of Teyvat for just a chance at wooing the young prince and taking his hand in marriage.

But he wanted none of them.

For as long as he could remember, he was taught all five languages of his world, taught how to sing and dance, taught how to paint and sketch, taught how to parry and shoot a bow and arrow.

But he wanted none of that knowledge.

And so his parents watched in mystified horror as their son turned away every reserve, every suitor, every teacher he'd ever been given.

He hated his life.

Grateful for it, of course.

But he hated who he was, what his kingdom was built upon. He hated that he was simply a figurehead for a symbolic family built upon lies.

He thought he meant nothing, that he was nothing except one boy with riches and liberal arts knowledge.

She was the only one who saw him differently.

They had been friends since Xiao was old enough to sneak out of the castle and bring her scraps of food from his overfilled plate. He had to keep her a secret - if anyone found out they were friends, she could be exiled, and he shamed.

And so they kept quiet.


MALCHISIDECH, XIAO'S TUTOR of swordsmanship, had him busied with mastering a rather difficult technique. He was failing terribly, and Malchisidech called her over to demonstrate.

Her long, blonde hair was loosely tied behind her head, golden eyes lit with a soft glow. She dipped low into a bow, her armor clanking quietly. "Greetings, your majesty," the girl said, eyes twinkling. "I am Lumine, Captain of the Swordstrikers' Unit."

"Mal," -- for this is what the prince called his trainer -- "why is it I have never learned of the Swordstrikers?" Xiao asked in a fake inquiry. He knew all about Lumine, the Swordstrikers and their secret operations from their late-night conversations.

Mal opened his mouth to speak, but Lumine jumped in. "We act under cover of darkness, Your Majesty," she said firmly. "We do not attack as one normally would, but with sneaky, deceitful tactics that ensure victory."

Xiao was feigned amazement, smirking as Lumine held back a snort of laughter. His heart thumped in his chest. "Do tell me more, Captain."

Mal fixed the prince with a stern look, and then glared at Lumine. "The prince never addressed you," he sneered. "You know the drill. Report to my office by dawn for punishment."

Lumine's face fell and her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. She opened her mouth, but shut it again indignantly. Hastily she bowed to both Mal and Xiao, spun on her heel, and stalked off, holding her chin high.

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