Bloodhound and caustic could care less about what happened. And rampart and Gibraltar were asleep.

Back with you 1st person

  I was feeling giddy out of my mind. A new life could be ahead of me one where I could move on and maybe be happy. Or at least happier. I kept my distance from the ship when I noticed multiple other ships nearing it. The looked a and by off I mean they were spray painted with red markings.

Y/n:"ghost hack those ships transmissions"

Ghost:"on it"

Raider:"we've found the jackpot lads! Remember the plan. Kidnap the legends ransom them off to the syndicate and then profit"

Y/n:"a attempt at kidnapping. Can't have that. Lets stop that"

  I engaged thrusters and stayed behind a bit to plan when suddenly a flash appeared. The raiders shot out the ships engine and one thruster. The legends were currently going to crash land on a planet that looked as if earth had around 15 percent more land. I followed the ships and just as soon lost them in this planets abnormally big clouds. I flew around trying to find them for 5 minutes but had no luck with my human eyes

Ghost:"to your left y/n! Quickly the crash looks bad"

Y/n:"on it!" I rushed towards smoke that was just barley begining to be visable from where I am

With lifeline

  My legs...their broken bad. I opened my eyes to see Silva lying across me eyes closed behind his broken goggles. I envy his legs right about now. Path and Revanant we're badly damaged and sparking but could still function if the somehow boot up. Gibby took the least damage with all his armor but looked like he would have a concussion. Wraith, mirage, Bangalore, Wattson, crypto, loba, caustic, rampart and horizon were out cold bleeding from their heads. Mirage however had it worse than all of them as one of his statues was embedded in his arm.

Lifeline:"told him he should have nailed that down..." I winched and began to crawl to an opening in the hull

I reached the grass when I heard footsteps. I was suddenly ripped to my knees much to my agony. I was face to face with a masked man in scrap iron armor.

Raider:"perfect. Not in the best condition but we could do worse. The syndicate will still want you back" he pulled me to a patch of grass and tied me up

One by one we were all tied up and placed on our knees except me I was sitting against a rock. We all groaned in agony. Path and Revanant we're put in chains finally awake.

Raider leader:"I can smell the payday from here!" He took a deep wiff of the air

  Crypto cringed for some reason other than pain I could see it on his face. Right now all that I could see on everyone else was uncertainty. Uncertainty if we would make it out alive, and if we would be okay. 6 raiders surrounded us and pointed r 301s at us. How they got their hands on them is beyond me.

Raider leader:"we have just called in some back up! You will all stay here until we can get some form of communication with the syndicate. Don't worry we killed the guy who messed up our comms. Let that be an example of how you will be treated" he showed a bloodied knife. I assumed it was the blood of the man who messed with their comms

Revanant:"when I get free from here I'm gonna kill you... And I'm gonna make it slow" he glared at the bandits

Raider:"ah. The simulacrum. Kill it. He can revive anyway"

Revanant:"you mother-

A gunshot cut him off but not from the raiders. A man in odd armor, hooded cloak and helmet had just shot a raider in the head.

Rogue Guardian (male reader x Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now