Olivia's Pov

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Me and tony walk into a more private room. 

"So whats up?" Tony asks me. 

"Nothing much." i say. 

"Right. So you just are a naturally sad person, right?" he asks. 

"Why does everyone assume im sad?" i ask. 

"Because you look sad." Tony says. 

"I mean i lost my daughter, my sister, my father and my husband doesn't love me anymore. My daughter barley even likes me and my life is just a mess." i say. 

"Wow! That was a lot. About Aurora we can bring her back that's what were working on right here right now. Well not here and now, but you know what i mean. And i'm pretty sure Thor loves you." tony starts. 

"No he doesn't i remember the exact day he fell out of love with me. After he killed Thanos he came to my house and he walked in and i told him i wasn't able to bring them back, bring her back, and that's when i felt his love for me start to fade." i say. 

"That's right you do have that power. So why couldn't you." he asked. 

"I would die before i could even bring their body's back." i say. 

"Oh that is a great reason. Did you tell him that?" Tony asks. 

"No. but don't worry about it okay?" he nods and gives me a hug. 

"Come on lets go. You two should really talk tho." i nod as we walk out and then i see the kids touching stuff and Sky trying to stop them. 

"Hey didn't i tell you not to touch stuff?" Tony asks. 

"I tried to get them to stop." Sky says. 

"I cant deal with this right now." i stop them with my powers and they look at me. 

"That is enough okay I've been lenient with you two okay. Your dad may not care, but i do okay? He doesn't have to deal with anything. Hes not called a bitch, hes not told that hes hated. Okay so stop misbehaving all the god damn time. Can you guys do that?" i ask and they nod. 

"Go sit down." i tell them and they all sit down. 

I walk away and sit down. 

A little bit later i hear the kids run to someone. 

"Dad moms gone crazy she even yelled at us you gotta talk to her." i hear Sky say. 

I roll my eyes and keep working. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder i turn around. 

"Yes?" i ask. 

"Can we talk?" Thor asks. 

"I'm a little busy. Maybe later." i tell him. 

"This cant wait we should really talk now." he says. 

"Fine." i say and we go to a more private room. 

"What?" i ask. 

"Why are you being so hostile towards me?" he asks. 

I roll my eyes. 

"When did you stop loving me?" i counter. 

"What do you mean? I've never stopped loving you." he says. 

"Yes you have. i can feel it. i felt the day actually. And i remember the day when i barley felt any love at all." i say. 

"How can you even feel that? Not that i'm saying your right. But how?" he asks. 

"Its apart of being the goddess of love and i don't feel love coming off of you no i feel disappointment, hate, anger, sadness. But no love. Why don't you love me anymore?" i ask. 

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