Chapter 33

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Myas POV

I felt the smile drop from my face. He played me, that sneaky old man played me. He was never going to give the company to Chad he just didn't want me with Tate, damn it he knew I was after the money. He was so convincing, telling me how much he wanted Tate to be self made like him. What a liar! I've never felt so angry in my life. I turned to look at them, Tate walking up onto the stage, and that smug cow Brooke grinning at me like she won. Standing there living the life I should be living. How the hell did she even get him to marry her so quickly? I had to date the trust fund brat for years before he proposed. Well it looks like I'm going to have to get him back. I've done it once and I'll do it again.

I walked out thinking about what to do next, Brookes not that great looking, compared to me she's utterly plain. Tate clearly still has feelings for me and I can always play on his emotions, crying always got me my way with Tate. He was so much easier to manipulate than Chad.

"Mya, baby" Chad calls me thinking I'd really want anything to do with him. He's such a loser.
"What do you want?" I demand.
"Baby, I love you. We can figure this out together baby, don't worry we'll be ok baby." Urgh! If he calls me baby one more time!
"Don't baby me, you clearly knew he wasn't going to give the company and you lied to me! I won't be with a liar Chad we are over." I turned my back to him so he knew I was done with this conversation. I had to figure out a way to seduce Tate.
"No, baby I thought you loved me." He whines like the child he is.
"Love you??!" I laugh in his face
"I've never loved you, how could I? You are nothing. You have nothing. And you will never be anything!" I say to him, looking him straight in the eyes so he knows how serious I am. His face falls because he knows the truth in my words.
"Chad, you always knew I was way out of your league." I sigh then walk back into the main room.

Brooke and Tate, the golden couple swaying to some cheesy song for everyone to see. Man it's sickening, staring into eachothers eyes, wait is he gonna kiss her? I better get over there quick.

I walked over to them making sure to make sure there's a glint of tears in my eyes.
"Tate, could I please talk to you for a minute" I ask him, fluttering my eyelashes in innocence for affect.
"Go away Mya, there is nothing you have to say that I want to hear." He flatly responds taking Brookes hand and leaving me stranded on the dance floor. Well that was just rude. Holding my head high and ignoring the stares I walk off the dance floor, it looks like I'm going to have to break them up first.

"You ruined us, you gold digging whore!"
I heard someone shout pulling my attention away from my thoughts. Some girl was making a scene but what intrigued me is that it was Brooke she was angry at. Well it looks like this is going to be easier than I thought.

I followed the girl out when she left planning to introduce myself. Smiling at my own genius I would take that money grabbing skank down then take my rightful place as Tates wife and I would enjoy every moment of it.

"Hi, I'm Mya" I introduced myself to the girl and the rather good looking guy holding onto her arm.
"Hello?" she answered slightly confused.
"I couldn't help hearing you talking to Brooke and I wondered if you wanted help in giving that pampered princess what she deserves?" I got straight to the point. I wasn't going to take my time, I wanted her out of the picture as soon as possible. The girl smiled, although it looked more like a grimace as I'm pretty sure she was out of it.
"I'm in."
"My names Chelsea and this is Shane, what do you have in mind?" She introduced them.
"Well I think the first thing we need to do is break them up, what do you know about her? Anything we can use?" I ask her.
"No, nothing that he doesn't already know. She's stolen my father's company from underneath him. I just don't understand it, we took her in and looked after her and this is how she repays us!" She continues looking close to tears. Urgh I hate emotional people. I notice this Shane guy pull her closer to him and rubbing her arm, which I would normally take as a loving gesture but considering he's staring at my cleavage and smirking I think it's more automatic than anything. My lips tilt up as I catch his eye raising my eyebrows suggestively. I can see the lust swirling in his eyes and I know tonight he'll be in my bed. I need some stress relief after today.

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