Chapter 32

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It had been a week since our dinner date that wasn't a date and Tate had been quite attentive, always asking how my day had been, talking about my college work and basically listening to anyting I had to say. He often joked with me and would find me to sit and watch films with. Talia and Zac had been here a lot too and I swear some of the nights we all spent together felt like we were an actual couple rather than a forced marriage. Tate always seemed to find some way to touch me, whether it was lightly putting his hand on my back or resting it on my hand. I may well have been overthinking it as my crush seemed to be getting stronger and I'm not sure if I was just looking for signs that weren't actually there. I don't know where this was going to lead or if I was going to end up heartbroken but I didn't actually care right now, I was too busy enjoying myself.

Last night Talia and I had gone to the spa whilst the boys went out for the evening and I hate to admit it but I'd actually missed Tate. When Talia had been telling me all about how sweet Zac had been with her and seeing how loved up she was made me imagine Tate and I like that one day. Technically we've been married nearly 8 months and the first part was quite rocky but Tate really had grown on me, not that I should be having delusions of a happy marriage between the two of us, I knew he didnt want me and neither of us had a choice in the matter but I couldn't help the daydreams that I tended to have. Was it really that bad to just want to be loved?

My hair was currently being curled and make up was being expertly applied to my face, Tate had chosen my dress and I hadn't seen it yet but by the colour being applied to my eyes I presume it had emerald green in it, he had picked it to match his tie and as it was his party I let him do it. I also felt quite special knowing that he had gone out especially and chosen something he'd like to see on me. Byron had gone all out for the party, he was offically handing the company over to Tate so he had rented out the grandest ballroom with a complete glass ceiling and had invited everyone. The papparazzi would be gathered outside and a red carpet would be laid out, I felt like I was going to a movie premiere!

I was finally ready, I had a lot of make up on, highlighting my eyes, but I didn't feel like I was wearing anything it was so light on my face. I actually loved it, I had really long, thick dark eyelashes anyway, especially with mascara on but the make up artist had added a few extra false eyelashes too so my eyes were really exaggerated. I felt like a princess. My dress was beautiful, it was in fact emerald green and had a low plunging neckline. Showing that much skin wasn't me at all but at least the back was high and covered. Anyway it's about time I stepped out of my comfort zone and started taking a few risks, well very little risks but baby steps!

Tate looked incredible, he was wearing a black tuxedo with an emerald green tie and handkerchief in the pocket, the exact same colour as my dress, they actually looked as if they had both been made out of the same material. He had been to the barbers for a straight-razor shave and his skin looked so smooth. I really wanted to touch it with my lips, so I did. I don't know what came over me, he was just standing there staring at me as I walked in the room so I just walked straight up to him pecked him on the cheek, as close to his lips as possible without actually touching them and thanked him for my dress. Then I internally panicked and carried on walking to the door, turning to everyone asking if they were ready to go.

When we arrived it seemed like utter chaos, there were cameras flashing everywhere and journalists yelling our names trying to get our attention. We carried on walking straight passed them as there was no need to stay and chat until the announcement had been made. Tate held tight to my waist guiding me through the blinding lights and he refused to let me go as we walked in through the double doors. Tate was inundated with hellos from people I didn't know and others that I recognised from the charity ball but couldn't for the life of me remember their names.

A Penny For The GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora