Episode 28: Under Wraps

Start from the beginning

I struggle to hold the bag "Oh, man. There's gotta be like 1,000 of these things." Ben groans "Please don't say that, you'll make me more tired than I already am..." I sigh. Ben grins at me before holding his bag to look at the watch "Looks like a job for-" "Ben 'I'm too lazy to fill a water tank' Tennyson. And only him. If you know what I mean." Max says sternly. Ben nods nervously.

At least I can use my powers

"And that goes for you too, Y/N."


I nod too, "Why so I get the feel that the fun part our summer vacation is suddenly over?" Gwen groans.


I face plant into the bags, "Well, that's the last of it. Nothing like working up a good sweat, right, kids?" Max asks. I feel two other bodies flop behind me. We pant weakly, I'm gonna die here...

"Come and get it! Supper time!"


I eat my food quietly, my back is so sore and my head is screaming-more than normal.

"Mm, good grub, Joan." Max says "Yeah, with no actual grubs in it for a change." Gwen sighs. Ben messes with his food lazily "So...no tv, no video games, no malls. What do you guys do for excitement around here?" Ben asks Todd. Todd perks up, "You won't believe what I saw last night." He says excitedly.

Joan sighs, "Now, none of that. No one's interested in your tall tales. Let's get these dishes washed and then hit the hay." She says. "What?!" Ben and I gasp, I look out the window "But it's still light out." Ben says. Max chuckles, taking a sip of water "Trust me. You'll be glad you got the sleep come morning." He says.


I walk alongside Ben and Gwen with my arms crosses. What is stopping me from teleporting home?

Suddenly, Ben's hand pops into my view. I glance at Ben to see him holding his hand out to me.

Oh yeah, that's what.

I take Ben's hand before he walks closer to Todd "Ok, so spill it. What did you see last night?" Ben whispers "Ah, nothing. You wouldn't believe me, anyway." Todd sighs. I snort at that statement, "Try us." Gwen says, walking up too. "We've seen some pretty bizarre stuff this summer." I say

"Well, I was down in Old Man Johnson's pasture when, right in front of me, bigger than life was...." We stare at him with wide eyes "A Mummy! A genuine Egyptian walking-dead mummy!" Todd finishes. "Really?" The three of us ask in sync. Todd nods, picking up his pig.


We up into the attic, I frown and cover my nose. "Here it is, home sweet home for the next week." Todd says "Ew...what's that smell?" Gwen asks "Oh, this is the chicken coop too. See ya in the morning." Todd says. I watch him leave, "And we can't sleep in the Rust Bucket...why?" I mumble, Max takes a deep inhale "Isn't this great? Nothing like the smell of country air." He says.

Ben takes a seat on one of the bunks "Could this get any worse?" He groans, laying back. A cluck comes from his pillow, "Hey!" Ben yelps. He lifts up the pillow to reveal a chicken, Max chuckles at the sight "Guess we won't have to worry about fresh eggs in the morning." He jokes. Ben rolls his eyes and glares at the chicken, he yelps when it flies towards him.


I yawn tiredly, running behind Ben.

"Going somewhere?"

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