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⇥SERODEKU⇤ ⌜Pro Hero AU⌟ ☾Angst☽ ⚠️?Character death?⚠️ 

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One minute Hanta was sitting by a hospital bed holding his boyfriend's hand, The next, He was being held back by security, keeping him from getting in the room.

"LET ME GO! I NEED TO SEE HIM! PLEAse, Please! Just let me see him! Please..." He pleaded, begged, but nothing worked.

They dragged him to the waiting room threatening him 'If he doesn't stay here, he's gonna get kicked out'.

At this point he was crying rivers. His shirt sleeve was soaked in his own tears as he tried violently to wipe them. But it wasn't working as well as he wanted it to. He felt someone tap his shoulder lightly, making him jump. He quickly turned around to see all of class-A standing behind him with sad, almost already crying faces. Kirishima, the one right behind him, Opened his arms for the raven haired pro. Hanta quickly accepted it, crying his heart out into his friends chest, and Izuku's mother.

"We heard what happened and came as quickly as possible. Well, most of us, some of them still had to stay due to our hero work." Iida said from the back of the group. Hanta took his head out of Kirishima's chest and muttered a thank you before he stuffed his head back into his personal pillow for the moment.

They all sat in the waiting room, waiting, you know? What the rooms for? When finally the doctor assigned to Izuku came into the waiting room. He looked at the group before his eyes finally landed on Hanta. He pointed at him with the pen he had in his hand.

"You're here for Izuku Midoriya, Yes?"

Hanta shot straight out of his seat.

"Yes sir."

"I'm very sorry for your loss..."

Hanta's world shattered at this comment, The one thing he had to live for, Gone. Just like that. Gone before he could say 'Plus Ultra'. Gone before Thanos could snap his fingers. Just...Gone.

"This is a joke right?"

"I'm sorry, No it's not. If any of his family and friends would like to see him, Now is your time. Please, only four at a time."

They all filed over to Izuku's room, Crying. The hospital had a janitor follow behind them, putting a 'Caution Wet' sign halfway through so people don't slip in all of the tears. The first four they brought in were Kirishima, Bakugo, Tsuyu, and Iida.

They said their 'goodbye's they will miss him' etc. and filed out for the next four. It went on like this until it was Hanta's, Inko's, Tomiko (Sero's mother, Uncanonical), and Ochako. They all wanted to go last, beings they had the most to say.

Inko just wanted to kiss her son ONE last time, and say I love you. But of FUCKING course she gotta have a heart attack before she could do it.

Inko was getting ready to kiss Izuku's forehead, when he blinked. You heard me right. This dead human in front of her BLINKED. Inko just pushed it off as, 'His muscles twitching'. Not really thinking too much of it.

The same thing happened to Tomiko. She was going to hug her son-in-law when he blinked. Of course she didn't think anything of this either. She watches all of those videos where dead fish are flopping. So it didn't really faze her as much as it SHOULD have.

Ochako had a mini heart attack when he blinked at her. She heard of ghosts messing with people but THIS. THIS is not okay, Moving dead people? That's just rude.

And finally Hanta's turn. Now don't get him wrong. When izuku jumped out of his bed and tackled him, He had the right to throw him. Last he knew that bitch was dead, how the HELL did he just tackle him. And why the HELL was he tackled?

"What the hell?!"

Hanta shrieked in the corner of the room, trying to process what just happened.

Izuku smiled guilty.

"I took this chance to get payback for you always pranking me."

"Oh You are so dead."

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Forgot to publish this lol sorry, I didn't really know what to write so i guess this works. 

Constructive Criticism👉



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