🍭Three words...🍰

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⇥???⇤ ⌜Adult AU⌟ ☾???

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Three words. That's all it took to break their hearts. Three words to take all of their breath away, Three words to not care about everything, Three words to make one walk away. That's all it takes is three words... 

He ran away, his short white dress blowing in the wind as he stepped outside. His tears made it halfway down his face before being blown away, as if nature was trying to wipe his tears for him. He ran down the sidewalk and across the street. Where he soon made it to the park. He sat down on one of the swings slowly pushing himself.

'This is where me and Bakugo would play heroes at' The thought, putting a smile away that was soon wiped off of his face. That's when all of his memories come flooding back. This is where he told Bakugo he was quirkless, this is where he got an explosion to the face trying to defend a kid, this is where he would follow him around as he spit insults at him, this is where his nickname DEKU came from. All of his lost long memories came flooding back to him and smack him, bitch slapping him in the face. He winced as he started to remember everything. It's not like he didn't remember them, they were just in the back of his head because of everything going on. 'God, people really don't change. Was he just using me to get close to my ex fiancé? Wow...After everything he did to me I'm still friends with him? And to make things worse he just HAS to cheat on HIS boyfriend with MY fiancé.'

He was so into his thoughts he didn't see the big figure sitting next to him. "Hey mi dobro." and that's what finally snapped him out of his thoughts. He faint shrieked Activating his quirk, jumping up and smacking Kirishima in his face.

"OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODAREYOUOKAREYOUHURTIMSORRYYOUJUSTSCARED MEANDFREAKEDOUTWITHEVERYTHINGGOINGONRIGHTNOWICANGOGETYOUANICEPACKDOWNTHESTREET-" "I'm fine, the real question is are YOU fine." Kirishima said, looking up at him, stopping his speech. "Here um let's go get you an ice pack for that!" He stood Kirishima up pulling him down the street and into the store. As he finally let go of Kirishima's hand he walked around the store until he found the ice pack. He grabbed one out of their freezers, and paid for it. He then dragged Kirishima back out of the store and sat him on the bench. Applying the cold object to where he slapped him.

"You know, You never answered my question."Kirishima said. "Hm? What question?" he said, causing him to get a small chuckle from the fake redhead. "Are YOU okay?" Kirishima asked. "Oh um I guess. It's not how I ever wanted my wedding to go but who am I to play love?" He answered laughing at the end.

"Welp," Kirishima said, slapping his knees."Wanna go get ice cream with me?" "Yes!" Izuku said, answering his question. Kirishima could basically see the sparkles in his eyes.

As they were ordering their ice cream from an ice cream store down the street, Izuku heard two very familiar voices call their names. "Mina, Ocha?" He called.

"Oh my god! There you two are!" They both said in unison. "Everyones looking for you two! What are you guys doing!" Ochako said, looking at the two boys in front of her. "Ocha I knew you weren't the smartest but I didn't think you were blind too!" Izuku said giggling. "I'm not blind! Hmph" Uraraka said, pouting. Mina Put an arm around her shoulder, causing Uraraka to blush.

"I don't know about that, What does it look like there doing?" Mina said laughing while Uraraka just pouted next to her. "What is it? Bully Uraraka day?" Uraraka said, making them all laugh. "Well, since you're both here, would you two like some ice cream too?" Kirishima said, causing Uraraka to pop her head up at the comment of ice cream. "Do they have cookie dough?" She asked basically jumping. "Yes they do Ocha, Want me to get a large and share with you like we normally do?" Izuku said, causing Uraraka to light up more and more at the mention of ice cream. "Heck YES!" she said. She grabbed Mina's hand and dragged her over to where they were standing.

Time skip 4 years later

Izuku sat in the front row of his ex best friend's wedding as he got married to his ex-fiance. Was he still salty? Yeah, they ruined his wedding by cheating. Is he glad they cheated though? Yes, He found the love of his life during that time and they were in love so he couldn't really be THAT mad can he? He was smiling as the preacher finally ended the wedding. "You may now kiss the groom." Todoroki leaned in to kiss his newly wedded husband. As soon as they kissed the whole church burst into claps and cheers for the couple. Izuku looked at his boyfriend next to him and smiled. Who knew his fiancé cheating on him would bring him this close to his lovely boyfriend he loved so much. He leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "I love you so much All Might." He said as he closed his eyes and smiled. "I love you Young Midoriya."

BAHAHAHA I wouldn't do that to y'all ↡ 

Izuku sat in the front row of his ex best friend's wedding as he got married to his ex-fiance. Was he still salty? Yeah, they ruined his wedding by cheating. Is he glad they cheated though? Yes, He found the love of his life during that time and they were in love so he couldn't really be THAT mad can he? He was smiling as the preacher finally ended the wedding. "You may now kiss the groom." Todoroki leaned in to kiss his newly wedded husband. As soon as they kissed the whole church burst into claps and cheers for the couple. Izuku looked at his boyfriend next to him and smiled. Who knew his fiancé cheating on him would bring him this close to his lovely boyfriend he loved so much. He leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "I love you so much EiCchan." He said as he closed his eyes and smiled. "I love you Izzy."

Their life was perfect. God, just hope history doesn't really repeat itself.

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Constructive Criticism👉


Words: 1074

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