🍭How long...🍭

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⇥TODODEKU⇤         ⌜Adult AU⌟     ☾Angst

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If Izuku was being completely honest he was having cold feet. After hearing the moans coming from their shared bedroom the night before, He wasn't sure what to do. He didn't know who he was more disappointed in, His best friend for getting in bed with his husband AND cheating on his fiance, or his husband for cheating on him the night before the wedding. 'Maybe he was drunk?' 'Maybe it was just some stupid prank they pulled' 'Maybe I was hallucinating' 'Maybe I-'

His muttering was cut off by Ochako slamming the door open with his mother right next to her. "Hi Ocha." He gave her a small closed eyed smile before turning his head back around to continue his muttering spree. "IZUU It's time to walk down the aisle!! Aren't you just excited!" 

At this point Ochako was basically squealing due to the amount of excitement going on right now. But can you really blame her? Her best friend is FINALLY getting married! She has been waiting for this moment for 5 years, ever since Izuku and Todoroki got together. Now it's finally happening, the moment she's been waiting for. Her favorite couple were tying the final knot to assure their relationship is as serious as it can get ( almost ). She couldn't wait to celebrate with her best friend. It was going to be one of the happiest moments of his life! How could she not be excited for her best friend. But the look he had on his face, it made her sad, disappointed, and angry. She knew as soon as she saw his face that Todoroki did something. But what he did was out of her thinking. It never popped in her head that he COULD have cheated. Not just a little fight before their wedding. Does it happen to all couples? She wouldn't know. She's as single as your missing sock after you put it through the dryer. Yea that one. The one with the polka dots or was it stripes? Never mind that it was the missing sock. That's what she was, just waiting to be paired back with her other mate. But that doesn't matter, her best friend was getting married. And she needed to be there for him, not sulking because she's just as single as me.

Inko noticed the look on her son's face. The look of regret, anger, sadness, and pain. But it wasn't any of her business. She knew if he was having second thoughts there must be a reason. And there was a VERY big reason. She knew her son could handle himself too. Last thing she would want is to ruin her's and her son's relationship by butting into his love life. She grabbed his arm and led him out of his dressing room. Right before she entered the main room she decided to ask Izuku her question. "Baby, Did something happen?" He looked at her and gave her his biggest smile to reassure her things were fine. She nodded and walked him out of the door. 

The first 2 people he saw were the last 2 people he wanted to see. His husband and his best friend. They were standing right next to each other. How could he be so dumb! HIS best friend was his husband's best man. What has he not stared at his ass enough while they were cheating? Why couldn't HIS best friend be HIS maiden of honor. He watched as Katsuki stared at his soon to be husband's ass while he walked down the aisle. Like DAMN he didn't know someone could be so insensitive. When he finally made it to the platform (forgot what it's called ) Todoroki stared right into his eyes. It made him uncomfortable, It just didn't feel right to him. He cheated on him and still has the AUDACITY to try and marry him. The preacher got straight to the point "Shouto Todoroki, Do you take, Izuku Midoriya, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do, I love him with all my heart and I would protect him with my life, If I hurt him I would never forgive myself. So yes, I do." "Now do you, Iz-" Izuku cut him off before he could say anything else. "Please before you finish, I need to ask Todoroki a question."  

Shouto's face faltered when he heard his last name. What happened to the first name basis? Is he having second thoughts? Why did he say my name like that?

"How long?" Izuku asked. "...What?" shouto said in response. "How long have you been cheating on me..?" He said. Todoroki grew pale. "What do you m-mean? I d-didn't cheat on you?!" "Don't play dumb with me Todoroki, I heard you and Kacch- No Bakugou going at it in our bedroom last night 'Oh FuCk ShOuTo RiGhT tHeRe' 'NnGh Oh f-fuck YES HARDER SHOUTO MMM FUCK! FUCK ME HARDER! FUCK ME WITH ALL OF YOU FUCK ME TILL I CANT GET OUT OF BED IN THE MORNING! FUCK ME TILL IN PART OF THE BED!'" Izuku mimicked their voices and phrases he heard last night. "So how FUCKING long have you been cheating?" Izuku asked, venom lacing his words as they fell off of his tongue. "How long have you been fucking my BEST FUCKING FRIEND In OUR BED, Todoroki. How long have you been loving another man behind my back, Todoroki? How long were you going to keep it a secret from me, Todoroki. How long were you going to leave me alone at night to go fuck another man. How long is Todoroki....How long?" Tears were pouring down from both of their faces, as everyone watching was fuming with anger or feeling pity for the green headed boy. "You know Todoroki, you're just like your father. You're both LIARS, your bothSCUMBAGS of humans, You both ABUSE the ones that love you. You're just like him, Todoroki, and I can never love someone like him...I sorry, but I don't. I do not take this man- no he's now a man, I do not take this boy as my lawfully wedded husband.

"And Bakugo, your never going to become the #1 hero if you can't even stay loyal to your boyfriend, Kirishima, I'm sososososo sorry you found out this way." Izuku looked over to Eijiro to see him, his eyes dull full of anger, betrayal, and most of all, heartbroken. All four of them were bawling like they were dying.

"We're over Todoroki."

And with those final words he left. His short white dress following behind him. His vail falling off on the floor. Too broken to look back. 

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Words: 1119

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