Fly to my room (f)

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Word Count: 995

Date Posted: 3.10.2022

Inspiration: Arny's Instagram caption on 02.08

Pairing: ReaderxArny

SUMMARY :Where Y/n and Arny are in a long distance relationship and talk countless times about meeting one another but will it happen or will it simply be a dream of theirs?



"You know something?" Arny spoke, I turn my head towards the camera and looking at him. Before answering I took the time to admiring how attractive my boyfriend was. Who would have guessed that sending a silly friend request after a great game with an amazing team coop would have lend me to such an amazing person. "Yes?" Asking him and seeing his eyes scanning my face, letting out a soft smile. "I can't wait to be able to just cup my face and just shower you in kisses." Arny leaned in closer to his phone and starting blow kisses in my directions. I chuckled at myself at the sight of his affection, he always seems to amaze me more each and every day the two of us talk to each other.

"Well, I can't wait to be receive kisses from you." Blowing him a kiss in return, only making him pretend to catch it and storage in his heart. I take a sigh and look at him, "When do you think that can be?" I asked him, a worrisome expression now on both of our faces. He simply sighed back, lifting his arm to rush his hair back a bit. It's been a couples months and plans have come and gone, something always seems to be coming up with us. "What that's convention that being held close this month for you?" Trying to avoid my question and keep the tension away from our peaceful call.

I starting thinking through the varies conventions I've planned on going and what cosplays were for which. "Anime Boom Pop would be Yoimiya?" "Great choice." "Thank you but that's in July so not the closes in this month. April, April, APRIL! OK SO MEGA ANIME MAX! MERLIN! THIS SATURDAY!" I focus my attention back to him, seeing him jaw completely down.

"Merlin as in 7DS Merlin?" He stammered over his words, after out a holler of joy. I knew he would like, when we first talked all he ever talked about was how she was his favorite character. We were suppose to met for the first time at that convention which was the only reason I decided on this cosplay. Not my favorite but it was his and it was worth it for me.

The call continued as its usual, talking about their week and everything in between. Soon enough it came time to simply see who would fall asleep first, a game the two of us picked out since he would always keep count how many times I've fallen asleep during our calls. "Y/N?" He called out for you, his eyes were shut and he was basically mummering his words out. I hummed a yes, opening my eyes to look at him. "Fly to my room. Just take a plane ticket to my place so I can have you close." I opened my mouth to reply to him but he continued with his small speech.

"I would do anything, anything to hold you. I hate knowing that you're what? Thousands of miles away from him. That's what I hate about our relationship. The distance. I kills me that I can't be there when you need me and sure calling helps but it's not the same. I don't want to be those corny guys you've dated. I want to be more than that, you know. Like you know like loving you. Try to cook like ramen or you know cookies. Wait you don't cook cookies, anyways my point is I don't wanna say those words. Those three lovely words. I don't wanna say them yet. Not through the phone and I knew that I did the moment we talked about things outside of video games and animes. When we talked about our lives, our feelings, our goals, our past. You're everything I want in my life right now." I could help but inhale sharply to keep myself from tearing up, sure I've dated corny guys but some reason everything Arny has said seemed genuine and loving, something I never felt with my exes.

"Arny?" No response. "Arny?" Still nothing. He must of fell asleep after he finished, I don't blame him it is 4 in the morning for him right now. Something in me pulled at my heart, he is asleep after all, he won't be able to hear it. "I love you too." I whispered into the phone before taking one last look at Arny's pretty sleeping face and ending the call.

Arny's POV

My alarm screaming into my left ear was the first thing I heard this morning, pushing myself as I used my hand to find the stupid phone to cut the alarm off. "Where the fuck is it? Jesus I was just on it a couple hours ago." I groaned finally my phone and shutting it off, dropping my head on the pillow below me. What even happened last night, and I could remember was asking Y/N about the convention and what else? Was it the new ep? No that doesn't come out till tonight so that can't be it. Unless I...Oh my fuckin god did I? No I could have. Or did I?

"GOD DAMN IT ARNY! DID YOU SAY YOUR FUCKIN SURPRISE PLAN! YOU FUCKIN MORON YOU SCREWED OVER THE WHOLE PLAN!" I internally shouted to myself and throw a couple more swears here and there. If I did then I would have gotten a text from them, I hurried to turn my phone and look through my notifications. Danny, no. Ace, no. Brandon, no. Y/N! I squinted my eyes to read the message. "good morning my love. hope u slept well xoxo" so I didn't screw it up, I throw my fit in air in success.

As long as no one tells her and he doesn't miss the plane, all will be good and he'll have y/n in his arms for the weekend. Fuck what am I going to wear.


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