That Should Have Been Me

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CTTO: miercooooles

Twin!Reader x Mirabel

TW: [angst, blood & major character death]

I was helping Mama in the kitchen when we heard ruckus at the courtyard of Casita. Slowly, I followed her outside to see Isabela cowering in fear behind my twin and best friend Mirabel as she stood up to Abuela. I held on Mama's arm as I watched the whole thing unfold, Papa appeared beside me and wrapped his arms around me.

"You have to stop Mirabel!" Startled by Abuela's sudden outburst, I gripped on Mama's hand way too tight, I heard her wince. "Sorry, Mama." I whispered and she just nodded her head, kissing my forehead before looking at my twin. I looked at the corner and saw Luisa entering the yard with a concerned look before staying beside Isabela.

"The cracks started with you and Y/N. Bruno left because of you. Luisa's losing her powers, Isabela's out of control, because of you. I don't know why you and Y/N weren't given a gift, but it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family!" Shocked was not the right word to describe what I felt, nor did pain fit, it felt like I was pricked by a million needles. I looked around seeing cracks appear before having an eye contact with Mirabel, something other than pain was lingering in her eyes.

"Me and mí gemelo will never be good enough for you. Will we? No matter how hard we try." She paused for a while, "No matter how hard any of us tries." Everyone was quiet as realisation hits them. I knew this for the longest time yet, but unlike Mirabel I never fought for it.

Mirabel and I are twins, though she was born a few minutes older than me. We were always doing things together, but we were total polar opposites. She was outgoing and friendly while I would rather be alone and inside. Even our relationship with our older sisters are opposite, I am close with Isabela while she isn't, but we're both close with Luisa. Yet even with our differences, we never left each other. No matter where we went, we were together and inseparable. We would always protect and stand up for each other. We have inside jokes only we both understand. When we're together its like nothing else matters except me and my twin. And we wouldn't be twins if there was no teasing in our relationship.

I looked back at her, my vision blurring as tears started to pool. "Luisa will never be strong enough. Isabela won't be perfect enough. Bruno left our family because you only saw the worst in him--".

"Bruno didn't care about this family -- " Before Abuela could finish her sentence, I got off Papi's hold and went in between Mirabel and Abuela, stretching my arms to protect my twin and butting in on the argument. "He loves this family! I love this family! Mirabel and I love this family! We all love this family! You're the one that doesn't care! You're the one breaking our home!" I whisper-shouted, pouring out everything I have been wanting to say, but once I saw the look Abuela gave me, I wanted to go back to mum nevertheless I stayed in place. "Don't you ever-"

I breathed deeply, "The miracle is dying, because of you." In the moment, a huge crack appeared separating me from Mirabel. I looked back and saw her looking at me, both horrified at what is happening.

I heard from somewhere behind me Tia Pepa and Tío Felix shouting something about the candle and when I turned around to see Abuela, her eyes were filled with worry and fear as it stayed on the candle.

As the others were trying to get their bearing because of the cracks, I spun looking at the candle before seeing Mirabel run towards the candle and asking Casita to help her out. Casita pulled its railing from the balcony turning into a makeshift ladder for Mirabel.

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