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It was the afternoon of the next day, you and Rengoku had been practicing your swordsmanship all morning.

With one final swift movement, Rengoku had finally knocked your sword out of your hand after the two of you had gone at it for 5 hours.

You fell onto your butt and sighed. "Finally..I didn't want to give up but I'm so tired.." you whined which made Rengoku laugh.

"You are impressive! To believe that such swordsmanship has been going unnoticed for all of this years are bizarre to me! Where did you learn how to fight like this?!"

"My father..he has taught me all that I know. Sword fighting, a poison that will slow demons down, archery-"

"Archery?! You know archery?!"

You nodded. You watched rengoku's already wide eyes somehow get wider. "That's amazing! I love watching that sport!"

You smile softly as the man continues. "You must show me after lunch what you can do!"



It was nightfall, the whole place was silent besides you practicing your archery. Thunks were heard throughout the courtyard.

"Damn you're so noisy."

You turn at the man. It was Sanemi.

"Aww did I disturb your beauty rest sleeping beauty?" You scoffed as you set another arrow straight through the target.

Sanemi didn't say a word, he only watched you. After a few more shots, you sat your bow down on the ground, and slid your Haori, leaving you in your sleeveless Nagajuban.

You picked up the bow, and was about to shoot another arrow when sanemi's voice startled you.

"How did you get those?"

"Get what?"

"Those scars on your arms. They look recent too, since they're red."

"Oh." You let out a nervous laugh, and looked at him. "They're stretch marks. They're from me being fat."

"I didn't know you could get scars from being curvy. I thought you only got scars from fighting."

"What did you call me?"

"Curvy. Look..I'm sorry for calling you fat the other day..I shouldn't have said that, you're not fat" you heard him stop himself before he hesitantly continued.

"I..used to know someone who was kinda built like you, I used to call her fat every day..I regret it, I never gave her the credit she deserved. She was strong. She was able to knock me on my ass once. I was impressed."

Your heart felt like it cracked a little. All of these years and he regrets calling you fat? PLUS he was impressed that you were able to knock him on his ass when you were younger?! If only he knew who he was talking to.

You kept quiet for a few seconds before changing the subject.

"So, how did you get your scars? I'm guessing fighting since you didn't know stretch marks were a thing, and those are way too big to be that type of mark."

"Yeah my chest scars are from fighting over the years. Not my face scars though."

You nodded. You didn't want to seem like you were a spy and ask too many questions, so you decided to drop the conversation after a quick "I see."

"Are you normally this cold hearted, what was it, fox? Say, that's a pretty stupid name, and what's with you wearing a mask all the time?"

"So many questions for a guy I don't even know his name."

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