Please stay

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A/N: please comment and vote 'cuz it makes me happy o-|-<

Nat's POV:

I got the men out of the room. However, not before questioning whether I actually want to do this or not. I make my way over to the teen. As I step closer her flailing arm nearly hits me so I quickly grab it and hold it out of reflex.

That seems to do the trick as I accidentally wake her up.

Wanda's POV:

I jump up. Hearing my heartbeat increase in speed, thumping on my ribs. Something grabbed my arm and it triggered my 'fight' or 'flight' reflex. Hydra trained me to 'fight' because well 'flight' is useless to them. I stumble and stagger on the floor before regaining my balance and putting my arms up in a fighting stance.

Seeing my opponents look of bewilderment at my sudden execution of movement, I look around. Taking advantage of their distraction to analyse my surroundings. Another thing I was taught to do in Hydra. Those bastards are horrible people if you can even call them people, but they taught me the basic necessities of how to survive on my own. I wasn't on my own before, but I am now I guess. Just another reason to hate the person in front of me right at this moment. Sh- They killed my brother.

I am standing to the left of a hospital bed, placed in the centre of a fairly empty room. With only medical equipment dotted around here and there. I am slowly backed into a corner with one of my targets standing in front of me. They make no effort to move any closer when I flash my eyes a red colour and wisps of deadly power form around my hands.

Continuing to observe the room I stand in at this particular minute: I notice two things that majorly stand out to me. Number one is the whitewashed walls covered in dirt, blood and God knows what else and number two is the cannula sticking out of the inside of my left elbow, resulting in restricted movement. I quickly tear the needle out of my skin which seems to snap the other wo- Person out of their daze.

3rd person POV:

As much as Natasha wanted to leap forward and grab the girl, she wanted to hold her close in a hug and never let go. She knew she had to do it slightly differently or she would end up on the other side of the room, most likely unconscious.

The redhead slowly made her way over. "It's okay, it's okay" she calmly told as she walked towards the petrified teen with her hands up and open to hopefully prove her innocence.

Wanda however, had other plans. She quickly jumped over the bed placing one hand in the centre to keep her stable and made her way, moving quite rapidly paced, toward the exit.

Nat was taken aback by the girl's reluctancy to be helped but nonetheless, moved after her. Quickly. But, Wanda beat her as her hydra training was more recent than Nat's. She darted out've the door and nearly slammed right into a corner but narrowly avoided it.

Nat's POV:
I see myself in this girl. The way she doesn't speak, well outwardly at least. She speaks with her eyes. The fear that lives there is seemingly permanent.

She doesn't react to anything I say in English. Even though it says in her file that she has spoken English for the majority of her life.

I chase her through the twisty corridors of the Quinjet, yelling "STOP" and "IT'S OKAY" but that doesn't slow her, only make her run faster. 'maybe she'll react to russian' I thought, desperately trying to help h- get her to stop running. (A/N: just pretend that sokovians spoke russian). "ОСТАНАВЛИВАТЬСЯ" (STOP) I yelled.

She stopped. I nearly ran into the back of her because of how suddenly she paused. She never turned to look at me, she just stared straight ahead. At Steve.

677 words

A/N: Sorry for the short update and how long it took to update. A lot of shit has been going on recently.

I found my mother's ashes accidentally, I picked my GCSE options and been diagnosed with an OCD related disorder.

Any improvements regarding my book would be greatly appreciated

Remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated, you deserve it.

Stay safe and I'll see you in the next chapter. adiós amigos


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